Billie Piper stalker is tagged and banned from postcode after years of harassment

BILLIE Piper's stalker has been banned from an entire postcode.

Billie Piper stalker banned from postcode

'I do not feel safe being at home', Billie Piper has said (Image: Getty)

Philip Jerome broke a restraining order after writing a letter to the Secret Diary of a Call Girl star "explaining his fixation and obsession" and visiting the 39-year-old's home. At Portsmouth magistrates court a judge imposed a stalking protection order until 2026.

Jerome, from Winchester, Hants, cannot visit NW1 in London, and must wear an electronic tag for two years.

He was warned he could be jailed for five years if he breaches the order, which also bars him from areas surrounding NW1.

His latest case was his fourth such appearance over harassing the star in as many years.

At a previous court case, Ms Piper said in a statement: "The letter [he sent my mother and sister] indicates his disappointment at not seeing me at court.

"I do not feel safe being at home. I do not believe he would show up and hurt me, however I don't know that for sure."

At the latest hearing, it was said Jerome also "poses a risk associated with stalking to another person".

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