Jamie Lee Curtis talks reuniting with Lindsay Lohan as Freaky Friday sequel announced

Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan's iconic body-swap comedy is reportedly expecting a sequel that will reunite the leading ladies after two decades.

By Samantha Leathers, Showbiz Reporter

Jamie Lee Curtis winning Oscar speech in full

Jamie Lee Curtis, 64, and Lindsay Lohan, 36, played the iconic mother-daughter duo in Disney’s hit 2003 film Freaky Friday.

20 years later, the pair are eager to reunite, sharing the same post on Instagram as a sequel was announced.

Alongside a throwback snap of their film, both actresses declared: “Reunited and it feels so good” while Jamie added a light-hearted: “DUH!”

However, a lot can change over two decades and this year alone has marked major milestones for both stars as Jamie won her first Oscar and Lindsay shocked fans across the globe with her pregnancy announcement.

Speaking to The New York Times, Jamie revealed that despite having Oscar-nominated parents, she never expected to be in the running due to the “genre movies” she was involved in, but Freaky Friday marked a turning point.


Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie revealed she wasn't originally supposed to be in the film at all (Image: GETTY)

She shared: “The only time in my life where someone mentioned an Oscar was in the New York Times review of Freaky Friday.”

The Halloween star said the statement “was shocking” at the time, but joked that now she has a “skinny gold person” of her own.

Jamie admitted the film has a special place in both of their hearts even after all these years, and while they have kept in touch since they last worked together, every conversation now stars with a hilarious passcode.

She shared: “If I get a text out of the blue, ‘Hey, Jamie, it’s Linds,’ I say, ‘Prove it. What was the song we were trying to learn the rap to during Freaky Friday?’

Lindsay Lohan

Much has changed for Lindsay, who was just 16 when she landed the blockbuster role (Image: GETTY)

“If she answers Justin Timberlake’s Like I Love You, then I know it’s Lindsay Lohan.”

However, the True Lies star revealed that she was not originally meant to be in the film at all, but filled in last minute as a “replacement part”.

Jamie explained that she got the call from her agent on a Thursday in 2002 and by the following Monday she was on-set with 16-year-old Lindsay.

She recalled: “Our relationship was very easy. Lindsay was as fluid as I was. She has a facility as an actor that is really impressive.”

Lindsay shared the sweet sentiment, remembering how Jamie “immediately took me under her wing”.

The film wasn’t just another acting job for Lindsay as she had to kiss her costar Chad Michael Murray in one scene, only she had never kissed anyone before let alone on-camera.

With nerves bundling, the teen star went to her on-set mentor as she recalled: “She talked to me in my trailer and made it funny so that I wouldn’t stress about it.”

The Hollywood Reporter confirmed yesterday that a sequel to the film is “in the works” and Lindsay shared with the New York Times that while both she and Jamie are “open” to reprising their roles, they are “leaving it in the hands that be” for the meantime.

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