X Factor 2010: Sinitta remembers her friend Princess Diana

SIMON Cowell's right-hand woman on The X Factor, Sinitta, has promised to sprinkle some showbusiness stardust on an award scheme in memory of her friend Princess Diana.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

X Factor 2010 Sinitta remembers her friend Princess Diana X Factor 2010: Sinitta remembers her friend Princess Diana

"I met her at the Harbour Club in Chelsea. We had a lot of the same friends and the same personal trainer. I thought she was an extraordinary woman," says the singer.

Sinitta raised £1,550 for the Diana Award by offering a performing arts mentoring session in an auction during a charity fashion show at Mayfair club Jalouse on Wednesday night.

She also agreed to become an ambassador for the Diana Award, which highlights the work of inspirational young people who show talent and reflect the Princess's compassion by working selflessly for others.

"I'm passionate about helping young people develop their talents in music, fashion, or other areas. I've got some ideas about how we can raise the profile of the Diana Award next year," she says. "Possibly on television."

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