Carell thrills Leno audience with free movie passes

STEVE CARELL thrilled audience members watching U.S. programme THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JAY LENO by walking onto the set and giving everyone free passes to see his new movie CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE.

The Office star dropped by the show seemingly unannounced on Friday (29Jul11) and interrupted the host's comedic stand-up, much to the delight of the surprised crowd.

Carell acknowledged America's ailing economy and soaring movie ticket prices - and then invited the entire studio to see his new comedy at a nearby Los Angeles cinema for free.

He said, "I happened to be driving by the studio and I heard you talking about the economy. And it is bad. I'm not here to talk about my new film Crazy, Stupid, Love, which opens today. That is not the reason I am here. I am here because I care Jay. I care about these people, I care about what they're going through.

"Jay, tonight I would like to be your Oprah. I would like to offer, to everyone in this studio, free passes to the AMC Burbank (theatre), tonight, a screening of Crazy, Stupid, Love."

Carell then rushed into the cheering audience, and handed out the passes, yelling, "You get a ticket! You get a ticket! And you get a ticket!"

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