Rihanna's inauguration night charity gig

RIHANNA is set to perform on President-elect BARACK OBAMA's inauguration night in aid of a hunger-relief charity.

The Umbrella hitmaker will play for the Recording Industry Association of America's Presidential Inauguration Charity Ball, to benefit Feeding America.

Vicki Escarra, president and CEO of Feeding America tells People.com, "We could not be happier that Rihanna will be performing at the Inauguration charity ball to benefit Feeding America.

"Rihanna's involvement will help raise awareness about the prevalence of hunger in America and help bring more aid to the 36 million Americans who do not always know where they will find their next meal."

The Barbados beauty isn't the only one performing for a charitable cause on inauguration night - Sting will rock at the Creative Coalition ball and Kanye West is said to be in talks to perform for the Impact Film Fund.

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