The royal couple who make their own rules

DOWN the road in Downing Street, David Cameron is planning changes that could dramatically affect the way they bring up their children.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Kate and William enjoy taking a less formal approach Kate and William enjoy taking a less formal approach

But inside a suite of ornately decorated, 16th-century apartments turned into offices at St James’s Palace, Prince William and his wife Kate have been carefully avoiding the subject at meetings with their kitchen cabinet of 11 staff as they make their own plans for their future.

They are hands-on, keen to be in control over everything that affects them. But the Government’s efforts to change the law to give equal rights to women in the line of succession in Britain and 15 other Commonwealth nations that share the Queen as head of state is one of the few things completely out of their control.

If the Prime Minister succeeds in persuading all 16 nations to change their laws, William and Kate’s first child will be raised as a future monarch, whether a boy or girl. If he fails, the royal couple know that even if they have a girl first, she may have to play second fiddle to a younger male sibling who will be groomed as the heir and not the spare.

The second in line to the throne and his new wife are understood to favour reform. Friends suggest it is unthinkable that William and Kate, a thoroughly modern couple, would not want equality for their children.

It will be fitting if they do become the first royals to have children benefiting from a change that will finally bring Britain’s 18th-century succession laws into the 21st century.

For in those rooms at St James’s Palace, William and Kate, both 29, are doing all they can to give the ancient institution of monarchy a fresh new face.

“They’re very much driving the agenda. They’re in control. They listen to advice, of course, but they make the decisions,” says one royal source. Their modern approach to monarchy is epitomised by their current living arrangements at their two homes: a rented farmhouse in North Wales and a small cottage in the grounds of Kensington Palace.

Unlike their royal relatives, they have decided to dispense with any domestic staff, slapping down their private secretary Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, who advertised internally for a housekeeper dresser to help Kate when she was in London. “I made a boob,” he said.

They are in discussions about moving to a bigger royal residence – the favourite is Princess Margaret’s old 10-room apartment at Kensington Palace – but even then, they do not plan to take on servants.

Both know that in the future, they will need the domestic staff and paraphernalia that goes with being a full-time working royal.

But for the moment, as a young RAF search and rescue helicopter pilot and his wife, they want to live the life of an ordinary, newly-married service couple as much as that is possible. Who among the older royals could you imagine going shopping every week at Waitrose or Tesco?

In Anglesey, close to William’s base at RAF Valley, they go out to pubs and local restaurants, mixing easily with fellow service couples and other friends. “He is as naturally at ease in a country pub or a working men’s club on the edge of Reading as he is in smart wine bar in Mayfair,” says one aide.

“All he asks for is that he’s treated with respect. If he’s sitting in a Happy Eater and someone gets out a camera, he feels that’s a bit disrespectful.” Kate, from a middle-class family but educated at Marlborough, one of Britain’s most expensive public schools, echoes his easy informality.

“You don’t go to university, as she has, without meeting people from all sorts of backgrounds. They are both very similar. She complements him perfectly,” says the same aide.

“In private, they act as they do often in public now. They touch each other and lead each other with an arm around the back. Many people remember that day in Ottawa on their tour of Canada when he was embarrassed when someone was making a speech and she rubbed his knee. What she has brought to him, crucially, is support.”

Nobody is pretending that either of them is anything other than products of their class and background. It is hard to think of any of their close friends who went to a comprehensive school, for example.

But William and his brother Prince Harry, 27, were both given the freedom to have a more ordinary life than their royal predecessors.

“They were allowed to make their own choice about university, about the branches of the Armed Services they went into. They’ve been given the freedom to make their own mistakes and, as a result, they’re perhaps more at ease than earlier generations of their family,” says one in their circle.

It’s hard to imagine their father Prince Charles ever calling anyone a “dude” or “mate”. But with Kate by his side, William is gradually shaping that informality into a new style of royalty.

The type of official engagements they undertake – supporting charities and the Armed Forces – is by no means revolutionary though.

“Neither are radicals in that respect,” a courtier says. “They understand the importance of tradition and heritage.”

Kate, who has been inundated with thousands of requests to support charities, is slowly deciding which causes and organisations she wants to patronise.

In public, she has suggested that the final decision lies with her husband. Asked by one charity worker if she would join him in becoming a patron of the Royal Marsden Hospital a couple of weeks ago, she neatly side-stepped the question, replying: “We’ll have to wait and see. William’s in charge.”

Despite that, a member of her staff makes clear: “She is completely in charge of deciding which patronages she will take on. She will consult William, of course, but she is in control.”

One area where she and William do hope to make a difference is by taking on specific projects for a short time, often involving small charities doing cutting-edge work, and giving them a boost by channelling in money raised through the Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry, which Kate has joined as a patron.

Unlike the older royals who have taken on hundreds of patronages, they plan to focus on a relatively small number of charities so they can make a practical difference.

It is an approach summed up by William in an interview two years ago when he said he wanted to do more than just ribbon-cutting.

“There’s a time and place for being an ornament as such, or shaking hands and being at an engagement and showing support in that way, but I think there’s an awful lot more from actually doing stuff,” he said.

His friend Ben Fogle, who made a television documentary about William and Harry’s trip to Africa last year, says: “He is not someone who is an easy walkover. He is very opinionated. I very much got the impression he wanted to update the Royal Family.”

When he asked William if he ever got fed up being told by government or courtiers what to do, the second in line to the throne replied: “That’s the thing. I like to disagree with them deliberately because many of the things they come up with are very old-fashioned and don’t work nowadays or are just wrong.”

The Prince added: “People have the wrong views on what it’s like to be in this family, for instance. “I want to correct them and I want to make people aware that there’s new stuff and there are other ways and there’s no reason why you can’t be different.

“Sometimes I listen to people but I like to take in lots of opinions and then make my own judgment.”

He and Kate may not have much say on whether their first-born will become monarch. But they show every sign of wanting to embrace change.

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