Is Brown the worst PM Britain has ever had?

GORDON BROWN was yesterday accused of neglecting Britain in favour of taking to the world stage and lecturing other countries on what to do.

Do you think Brown should be more focused on Britain Do you think Brown should be more focused on Britain?

The Prime Minister has been overseas for about a fifth of the year – 18 days out of the last 87.

Today he is nearing the end of a trip which has taken him to France, the USA and South America as he paves the way for deal-making at the summit of G20 nations he is hosting in London on Thursday.

Conservative MP Lee Scott said: “With the country deep in recession and unemployment at more than two million, Brown’s attention should be firmly focused on Britain’s problems, not jetting off to try to save the world.”

* Is Brown the WORST MP Britain has ever had?

* Do YOU think he is NEGLECTING the country at a time of severe crisis?


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