I logged on to the net and lost 8lb

Determined to lose weight, CAROL STEPHENSON, 40, became a cyber slimmer. Here, she tells how an online life coach helped her to shed the pounds in just 21 days.

DAY 1 A friend told me about Pete Cohen, a life coach, who runs an interactive online dieting service and I was intrigued.

With a full-time job as an administration manager and two daughters, Hayley, 12, and Hannah, seven, to look after, I didn’t want to go to slimming classes and this seemed like a flexible, low-maintenance way to lose weight.

Pete works on the basis that it takes 21 days to change entrenched habits, so for the next three weeks I’ll be logging on to my computer to watch a motivational video message from him every morning. I’ll also keep an online diary of how I feel the diet is going.

I’m immediately impressed with Pete’s programme as his advice is so simple. He advises slimmers to eat more slowly so they digest their food properly and to have a glass of water before they eat as he says we often think we’re hungry when we’re dehydrated.

We went out for a three-course meal at a lovely restaurant and I don’t feel guilty

Carol Stephenson

I’ve recently turned 40 and I’m terrified of becoming a middle‑aged frump. I vow to become slimmer and more glamorous over the next six months.

DAY 2 Pete’s message makes it clear that his programme isn’t a diet which really perks me up.

I’ve tried loads of faddy weight loss plans and they all made me feel miserable and hungry. Before I had Hannah, I did lose a stone with a slimming club but I don’t want to get weighed in some rundown church hall. I’m doing this so I can feel in control.

There are no strict rules with Pete’s plans and I’m glad to know I can eat exactly what I want – only less of it.

DAY 3 I’ve taken Pete’s advice and I’ve started having a glass of water every time I think I’m hungry. For the first time in ages, I managed to go without biscuits with my mid-morning tea.

However, later in the day, I find a piece of cake in Hannah’s lunch box and end up eating it. When I log in, I promise in future to put all leftovers in the bin.

DAY 4 I have downloaded Pete’s relaxation programme on to my MP3 player. I listen to it before going to sleep and I wake up wanting to be more active and to eat more healthily.

DAY 5 I have porridge for breakfast and it feels like a real breakthrough. I haven’t eaten a proper breakfast for years and for the first time in ages, I’m not starving by 10am.

I’m learning to eat only when I’m hungry although I did have some sweets in front of the television. I feel guilty but am reassured by the fact that Pete encourages people to take one day at a time.

DAY 6 I ate my Sunday lunch slowly and I didn’t have seconds. After dinner I went for a walk and then to a karate class. I know I need to do more exercise.

DAY 7 It’s easier to maintain my goals at work as I can drink water at my desk and don’t pick at food in between meals.

Pete has a scale of one to 10 where 10 is “ravenously hungry”. If I get to a six, I have fruit. For lunch I have soup or couscous and a salad. Because I’m eating more slowly, I need smaller portions.

DAY 8 I’m sent home from work with a migraine. I am not particularly hungry so I eat only porridge, toast and sardines. I wonder if my body is adjusting to my healthier lifestyle.

DAY 9 I still feel fuzzy. Pete suggests increasing my water intake to two litres a day.

DAY 10 Because the relaxation tape has helped me to see myself as more attractive, I had my make-up done today and it looks fabulous. I’m definitely taking more interest in my appearance.

DAY 11 I weigh myself and I’ve lost 5lb. I’m delighted and vow to keep exercising to lose even more.

DAY 12 Buoyed by my weight loss, I turn down a pudding at my friend’s 40th birthday party and stop eating as soon as I feel full.

DAY 13 We have roast pork for lunch and my husband Stu, 43, looks really surprised when I don’t have seconds.

DAY 14 The whole household is eating more healthily. Instead of pies, Stu is making us all low fat stir-fries and curries.

DAY 15 We went out for a three-course meal at a lovely restaurant. I don’t feel guilty and instead vow to eat more healthily tomorrow.

DAY 16 I find my old stepping machine and spend 25 minutes on it.

DAY 17 People at work are noticing that I’m losing weight. I feel very proud.

DAY 18 My clothes feel looser and I can run upstairs without getting out of breath. I have more energy and no longer fall asleep on the sofa in the evenings.

DAY 19 It is a glorious morning  so I go for

 a walk. I only intend to be out for half an hour but I end up walking for 50 minutes.

DAY 20 I have bought a full-length mirror and I can see a waist emerging, which is very exciting.

DAY 21 I weigh myself again and I’m down to 10st 4lb, which means I’ve lost 8lb.

Seeing the weight come off has made me determined to stick to this until I reach my target weight. The programme has been unbelievably easy and I haven’t felt hungry or grumpy at all.

I feel very motivated and I’m determined to continue the good work.


Height: 5ft 2ins

Weight before: 10st 12lbs

Dress size before: 14-16

Weight after: 10st 4lbs

Dress size after: 14


CLICK HERE for more information about life coach Pete Cohen.

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