Picture perfect solution

BABY Holly Hunter is the apple of her family’s eye, so one of the first things her mum Helen did after the birth was to have her professionally photographed.

PRETTY AS A PICTURE But baby Holly s photos never arrived PRETTY AS A PICTURE: But baby Holly's photos never arrived

Helen, 20, from Greenock, commissioned infant specialist firm Bounty, which operates a service within Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley where Holly, now four months, was born.

Helen paid £51.99 but was disappointed when the pictures failed to turn up 10 days later as promised. Holly’s granddad, Douglas, did not have any luck either when he called the company so asked Crusader to take up the chase.

Bounty responded immediately to our request and found human errors were to blame twice for the delays. Unlike some companies Crusader approaches, Bounty needed no prompting about finding the cause, rectifying it and pledging to improve its own procedures.

“We are sending Ms Hunter’s order and refunding the cost in full,” said Simon Williamson, Bounty’s managing director.

“As compensation we are sending additional photographs worth £46.

“We have also taken action to ensure a similar mistake is avoided in future.”

Overjoyed at the outcome, Helen said: “We’re so happy with the way Bounty has responded. I can never have enough pictures of Holly.”

Do you have a consumer problem or tale of service that deserves applause? The Crusader is here to help.

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