‘Long may it continue!’ Calls to extend DWP job scheme for Universal Credit claimants

THE GOVERNMENT is being called to extend its current jobs scheme for Universal Credit claimants past its set finish date.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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Through the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) Kickstart initiative, young people on the benefit payment are able to participate in work placements while still receiving financial support from social security. According to the Government, funding for the Kickstart scheme is due to end on March 31, 2022. Employers and Universal Credit claimants have until December 17 to put forward an application for the job scheme.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, many businesses have set up operations to facilitate the Kickstart scheme into their work.

One of these organisations is I Am Moore, a subsidiary of Jane Moore Media, a Liverpool-based social impact mission.

The primary goal of the firm in taking part in the scheme is to get as many young Universal Credit claimants into Kickstart career placements.

For Lynn Lock, the Chief Executive of I Am Moore, the Government's decision is not only a welcome one but an essential one.

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Calls to extend DWP job scheme for Universal Credit claimants (Image: GETTY)

Speaking exclusively to Express.co.uk, Lynn Lock, the Chief Executive of I Am Moore, shared how she feels the scheme has made an impact and why it should continue in some fashion.

Ms Lock explained: “The Kickstart Scheme has made a life-changing difference to so many young people already, which we’ve seen first hand as part of the I Am Moore team.

“This has been a unique opportunity for those who are eligible to grab the chance at paid work in roles that have been created specifically for this scheme.

“Although this scheme won’t last forever, I am determined to either see the scheme extended, or a similar scheme introduced, at least at a Liverpool City Region level, after working so hard to lay the foundations throughout the last 12 months.


“Being involved with the Kickstart scheme is fantastic, with the best part of the job being able to tell a previously unemployed young person that they’re going to be meeting new people, gaining invaluable work experience, and getting paid in a new job that they’ve been perfectly matched for in the process - so long may this continue.”

As part of DWP Kickstart initiative, extra funding is given to participating employers across the country funding to create new jobs for 16 to 24 year olds on Universal Credit who are at risk of long term unemployment due to the pandemic.

In October, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced the Kickstart scheme would be extended by three months to March 2022 as part of a wider £500million jobs plan.


Universal Credit: What are you entitled to? (Image: GETTY)

Recently, the Government confirmed that over 100,000 young people across the country have now started jobs through the scheme.

This represents around 3,400 young people each week starting a new job through the scheme over the last month.

On these numbers, Mr Sunak said: “Our future success depends on our young people, which is why we introduced the Kickstart scheme to give them the skills, experience and opportunities they need to reach their full potential.

“I’ve seen first-hand how it has transformed people’s lives, so I am proud that 100,000 young people have started Kickstart jobs, with the scheme continuing to help young people into next year as we emerge from the pandemic.”

While the scheme is set to close in the near future, the Work and Pensions Minister Thérèse Coffey is calling for employers to take advantage of the Kickstart scheme while it is still operating.

Ms Coffey said: “Having hit the 100,000 milestone, we are now on the last lap and I encourage employers and young people to take advantage of this opportunity as we head towards the finish line of the great Kickstart Scheme.”

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