Universal Credit claimants recall struggle to find work before DWP scheme - 'Lost hope'

CURRENT and former Universal Credit claimants are voicing their support for the Government's Kickstart job scheme and calling for it to be extended.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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As part of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) initiatives, employers receive financial support from the Government to create six-month work placement for those receiving the benefit payment. The scheme was launched last September by Chancellor Rishi Sunak to assist the economy’s recovery following the pandemic, which exponentially affected the careers and prospects of young people. Young Universal Credit claimants between the ages of 16 to 24 are eligible to apply for the Kickstart programme, which is scheduled to end in March 2022.

Speaking exclusively to Express.co.uk, former Kickstart job scheme participants are explaining how the scheme has helped them enter the job market despite the state of the economy.

A former claimant of Universal Credit, Caitlin Yeung is now a Marketing Assistant for a successful PR firm.

Ms Yeung applied to the Kickstart scheme through Liverpool-based I Am Moore, one of the many organisations set up to assist young jobseekers in applying for job placements.

She said: “Before the Kickstart team, I had just graduated from university so this was 2020. I went to uni in London, and graduated in the middle of the pandemic, which obviously wasn't great.

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Universal Credit claimants recall struggle to find work before DWP scheme - 'Lost hope' (Image: GETTY/EXPRESS.CO.UK)

"I was looking for work but just wasn't getting anywhere because I was competing with other professionals who were overqualified for entry level roles, which was what I was applying for as well.

“That resulted in me having to move back home to Liverpool and move in with my mum and sign on to Universal Credit. That's how I found out about the Kickstart scheme."

One of the claimants still on the Kickstart scheme is Jessica Miller, who now works as a Marketing and Events assistant at Liverpool Chamber of Commerce through Kickstart.

Ms Miller said: “I really struggled to find a job during the pandemic and once my university placement finished.


“I got called for marketing jobs but they were more like door to door sales. I went and did that for a couple of weeks and just absolutely hated it. There was nothing to do with marketing.

“I just lost hope to be honest, I thought there's just nothing at the minute and then my dad sent me a Facebook link explaining in the I Am Moore's Kickstart scheme and how if you sign on to Universal Credit, you become eligible."

According to Caitlin, becoming a Kickstart employee is a “win-win” for both employers and jobseekers.

She explained: “You're gaining experience and the employers are also gaining an employee as well.


What is Universal Credit? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

“In terms of preparing me for life in business, it gave me a massive sense of independence."

Jess added: “I just think the opportunities haven't been there. It's been so difficult without the Kickstart scheme.

“Despite graduating from university with a first in my degree, I always knew if I came up against someone with four years experience they'd pick them over me.

“Kickstart gives you that opportunity to get the experience that everyone wants.

“Businesses don't necessarily want to put you into training, when they've got someone who has been trained for four years and they know the ins and outs of the role.”

As part of their job placements, claimants continue to receive Universal Credit payments throughout the Kickstart scheme.

Once the experience comes to an end, Kickstarters may be offered a full-time work contract by their employment upon finishing their placement.

However, this is never guaranteed and future applicants for the scheme should never assume they will have a full-time job at the end of the placement.

Over 100,000 young Universal Credit claimants have had their careers “boosted” by the job scheme, according to the Government’s latest figures.

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