New disability payment available to families with children - are you affected?

MAJOR changes are being made to the way disability benefit payments are being administered in the UK.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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As of last month, the new Child Disability Payment benefit scheme has been open for applications in Scotland. This is one of the first major benefit payments to be rolled out by Social Security Scotland, the devolved Scottish Government’s version of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The Child Disability Payment will replace the DWP’s Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children.

Current claimants for DLA will not need to apply as their cases will be automatically transferred over to Social Security Scotland.

Some 52,000 current cases will be automatically transferred and will be fully completed by spring 2023.

Child Disability Payment has been created to assist families with the associated extra living costs of looking after their children with a long-term disability.

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New disability payment available to families with children - apply now (Image: GETTY)

The disability scheme is tax-free and made up of two separate components: care and mobility.

The former goes towards the costs of day-to-day responsibilities which arise from having a child with a disability, while the latter assists with the mobility and travel costs.

If the child is over three months of age, they will qualify for the care component. If they are over three years old, they will become eligible for the mobility component.


Under the care component, there are three rates of payment: lowest, middle and highest, which are rewarded depending on how much the child’s disability affects the living costs of a household.

Ben Macpherson, the Scottish Government’s Social Security Minister, outlined how the change will benefit the vulnerable people who are in need of it.

Mr Macpherson said: “I’m really pleased that Child Disability Payment is now available to eligible families all over Scotland.

“This is a significant milestone in the introduction of our new social security system. Families who find themselves in need of support will be able to access this help in a way that suits them best.


The new benefit is being rolled out in Scotlnad (Image: GETTY)

“Those who currently receive Disability Living Allowance for children from the DWP will also be transferred to Social Security Scotland.

“They will be told when this is happening and will find their payments transferred safely and securely within the next 18 months.”

Furthermore, the Minister elaborated on what he hopes the new benefit payment will achieve going into the new year.

He added: “Payments will be made at the same rate and there will be no break in entitlement.

“In the months and years ahead thousands of families will benefit from our simplified and much less stressful system, which will treat everyone with dignity, fairness and respect.

“Social security is a shared investment in building a fairer Scotland and we encourage those who are eligible for support to apply.”

Furthermore information on the benefit payment can be found on the Scottish Government’s website or by calling 0800 182 2222.

The devolved Government’s Child Disability Payment is one of three new disability benefits to be introduced which will replace UK-wide benefits.

An Adult Disability Payment has been promised to be introduced later in 2022.

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