Nationwide issues scam warning over gift purchases - ‘Grinch that stole their Christmas!'

NATIONWIDE BUILDING SOCIETY has issued a scam warning to Britons over the dangers posed by purchasing presents over the Christmas period.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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The building society is cautioning the public that fraudsters are becoming “the Grinch that stole their Christmas gifts” by targeting consumers who are desperately looking for the best deals. According to Nationwide, increasingly low stock on essential must-have items is leading to Britons having to snap up items as soon as they appear on shelves or sites.

This has led to purchase scams being on the rise, with fraudsters advertising deals which turn out to be too good to be too true.

Purchase scams involve people parting with their private personal and financial information with fraudsters asking them to share their details in order to put forward a transaction.

In a survey conducted by Nationwide, one in eight people in the UK admitted that they would rush into a purchase this year even if it looked unrealistic and potentially costly.

Furthermore, more than one in ten who were polled by the building society were found to have been tricked.

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Nationwide issues scam warning over purchasing gifts (Image: GETTY)

However, around one in three respondents said they are confident they will never be fooled by purchase scams in the future.

Nationwide’s data on the ongoing dilemma of purchase scams revealed that those aged between 21 and 30 are most susceptible to this type of fraud.

Ed Fisher, the Head of Financial Crime at Nationwide Building Society, outlined why this type of scam is on the rise and what can be done to top it.

Mr Fisher said: “After last year’s lockdown Christmas, people are more determined than ever to celebrate with friends and family.


“One part of the festivities is the giving and receiving of gifts, but with ongoing supply chain issues this year it may be harder than ever to find that must have present.

“This may mean people are more tempted than ever to shop on websites they haven’t heard of or turn to private sellers for a bargain, but if they aren’t careful, they could find that scammers become like the grinch that stole their Christmas gifts.

“People always think it won’t happen to them, but purchase scams are the most common type of scam and anyone can fall for them.

“If shopping online, remember, if something looks too good to be true, it probably is, and to always use a card or secure payment app unless you are totally confident the person is exactly who they claim to be, and the goods are genuine.


Fraudsters are targeting consumers with purchase scams (Image: GETTY)

“So make sure you do your research on a company or seller before parting with your money.”

As part of its warning, Nationwide issued advice as to what consumers can do to mitigate the risk of falling for these purchase scams.

On its website, the bank stated: “If something looks too good to be true, it probably is – scammers will often try and lure people in with offers of goods at heavily discounted prices.

“Always do your research about the website, product and what the standard price is - if something looks too cheap it could well be a scam.

“Pay by card or secure payment app – Credit and debit cards offer more consumer protection should the goods not arrive or arrive not as described.

“If you need to pay by bank transfer, try and collect the goods and pay once you have seen the item.

“Secure payment apps also offer good protection and almost all genuine sellers use them. Avoid bank transfers unless you know the recipient.”

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