‘Unfair against England!' Anger as Scotland and Wales get access to free NHS prescriptions

OUTRAGE has arisen over the face that Scotland and Wales get access to free NHS prescriptions while England does not.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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In response to the ongoing story, Express.co.uk readers are voicing their opinions and sharing why they believe the discrepancy is “unfair against England”. As the NHS is a devolved matter between each country’s Government in the UK, varying rules apply to how prescription charges are dealt with depending on whether you live in England, Scotland or Wales.

In Scotland and Wales, residents are able to get free prescriptions through the NHS no matter what age they are.

However, those who live in England need to pay prescription charges for their medication until they reach the age of 66.

There has been controversy over proposals to align access to free prescriptions in England with the state pension age, which is currently 66.

If this were to come to pass, those who would otherwise have been eligible for the “freebie” benefit would now have to wait longer to get their free prescription.

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‘Unfair against England!’ Outrage as Scotland and Wales get access to free NHS prescriptions (Image: GETTY)

While many people are upset at this prospect, some will still be eligible for exemptions from prescription charges despite any possible changes.

In response to this, one reader with the name Tancred 1967 said: “Actually not that many conditions have exemptions. I have high blood pressure and I am not exempt from charges despite having to take the drugs regularly.

“Increasing the age to 66 would be very unfair as many people are already retired at 60.”

One reader with the username ‘EU must be joking!’ said: “Lets reduce the premium given to the devolved governments.



“That way our public service in England can continue to serve those within its own borders, instead of giving funds for free prescriptions to countries that aren't even grateful for the enhanced help they receive.

Rhodiejeb said: “And yet others, Scotland for one, get free prescriptions regardless of age.

"Why are we paying when those we financially support do not pay anything?”

Lilac rose added: “Perhaps Westminster will now level up the Barnett Formula. It isn’t fair that England pays the most in taxes yet Scotland get £2000 per head more than us.


Number of prescription charge fines across England (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

“When they (Scotland) and Wales have free prescriptions. Something is definitely going wrong.”

In light of this rising cost of living and hike on National Insurance contributions, Sea1 said: “Prescription charges are just another form of taxation.”

Expressleybanned said: “This is discrimination against the residents of England. The UK people should have equal benefits wherever they reside.

“Equal pensions and healthcare .England should have its own representative body too.”

On the pressures put on the country’s health service, FrankKilmore1 said: “We know what will happen. People won't pay, they will get ill and it will cost the NHS in the end.”

A reader with the username Ja50 added: “Only 10 percent of people pay for prescriptions anyway - so if people are still working they will have to pay otherwise they will probably be exempt due to low income.

“I know a couple where the husband was working but got free prescriptions but the wife wasn't working and had to pay.

“If it's the NHS why don't prescription charges apply to all of the UK and not just England who subsidises the free prescription in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.”

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