340,000 Britons eligible for new benefit payment as PIP and DLA to be replaced

ALMOST 340,000 Britons are set to be eligible for a new benefit payment which will replace Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Disability Living Allowance (DLA).

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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In Scotland, claimants of both DLA and PIP will now start receiving Adult Disability Payment instead. Unlike other benefits which are administered by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), this payment is managed by Social Security Scotland. Applications for the Adult Disability Payment pilot scheme will kick-off in key areas from March 21, 2022.

Those eligible for either PIP or DLA will be the first to be able to apply if they live in Dundee City, Perth and Kinross and the Western Isles local authority areas.

More council areas will be able to apply for the benefit scheme as it continues its rollout in August 2022.

Anyone who already claims PIP or DLA through the DWP do not need to apply for Adult Disability Payment.

All payments will be transferred automatically to the new benefits system in Scotland from August 2022, with no break in entitlement or payment.

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340,000 Britons eligible for new benefit payment as PIP and DLA to be replaced (Image: GETTY)

Similar to PIP and DLA, Adult Disability Payment is designed to assist those with long-term disabilities or illnesses with the financial costs that come from their conditions.

Ben Macpherson, the Scottish Government’s Minister for Social Security, explained why the new benefits payment is being introduced.

He said: “Adult Disability Payment will be the twelfth Scottish benefit to be delivered by the Scottish Government, since we gained limited powers over social security and created Social Security Scotland in 2018.

“Adult Disability Payment will also be the most complex and large-scale Scottish benefit yet, reaching around 339,000 people once all awards transferring from the DWP are taken into account.”



According to the Scottish Government website, the Adult Disability Payment standard rate for the daily living component will be £59.70, while the enhanced rate will be £89.15.

Comparatively, those in receipt of the mobility component will get either a standard rate £23.60 or an enhanced rate £62.25.

While explaining the new benefit payment, Mr Macpherson outlined what changes will be made to differentiate it from PIP and DLA.

The Minister added: “We know people have found applying for DWP disability benefits stressful in the past.


How much is PIP? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

“That is why we have listened to their experiences as we have designed our new system, and we are committed to doing things differently.

“We are introducing an improved application process and, in contrast to the DWP system, we are removing the burden from individuals to provide supporting information, so that the onus will instead be on Social Security Scotland to collect the information we require.

“Our new, person-centred decision making process will ensure everyone is treated with dignity, fairness and respect.

“Importantly, we have abolished assessments in the form currently undertaken by the DWP.

“Instead, and only where required, we will hold person-centred consultations between the person and a Social Security Scotland health or social care practitioner, starting from a position of trust. Our consultations will not involve functional examinations.

“Another key difference in our new system will be around the definition of terminal illness.

“We will follow the judgement of clinicians instead of being tied to fixed periods of life expectancy, and anyone with a terminal illness will be fast tracked.”

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