'Why are people in England not eligible?' Outrage as over 60s miss out on free bus pass

BRITONS are voicing their outrage as over 60s in England continue to miss out on the free bus pass which is enjoyed by those living in other parts of the UK.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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In England, access to the free bus pass travel card is aligned with the state pension age which means people need to wait until they are 66 to receive it. However, in other parts of the UK such as Wales and Scotland, the discount scheme is available to people once they reach the age of 60. Furthermore, residents in London are entitled to free bus travel for over 60s unlike other cities and regions across England.

This means there is a discrepancy in the way over 60s in England are treated in regards to bus travel as opposed to their counterparts in Scotland, Wales and London.

In response to this issue, many people in their 60s are opting to lobby the Government to bring down the eligibility age for the free bus pass in England.

One individual named Linda Jones took it upon herself to start a petition on the activist website 38 Degrees to call for free bus passes for over 60s across the entire UK.

On her petition page, Ms Jones said: “I want to know why a woman aged 60 can get a free bus pass in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, but has to wait until 66 to get one in England. England should be the same.

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'Why are people in England not eligible?' Outrage as over 60s miss out on free bus pass (Image: GETTY)

“This is important because I have had my pension delayed until I am 66. I now find that being English I have to wait yet again until I am 66.”

Currently, the petition has 3,945 signatures and only needs 55 more to reach its ultimate petition goal.

Below the petition is a section called ‘reasons for signing’ where people can share why they believe the rules regarding free bus passes in England should be changed.

One signatory named Rob G said: “Why are people only in England not eligible for a bus pass at 60 compared to the rest of the UK. Surely this should be changed ASAP.”


Another called Paul D added: “Because it is unfair Scotland gets it for free it’s free in London and once again the rest of us in England outside London don’t matter.”

Ruth R shared: “Why discriminate against English bus users who have to wait until they are 66. Simply doesn't make sense.”

Referring to other discount travel schemes in parts of the UK, Roberto O said: “London also gives free travel for over 60s should be equal across the UK.”


Britons are calling for changes to free bus pass rules (Image: GETTY)

Maureen T agreed, writing: “If I lived in London or Wales I would be eligible for a free bus pass at 60. Why should those of us in other areas be discriminated against?”

Joyce W said: “If you want equality then everyone must have the same opportunities, not depending on your postcode.”

Sharing her own personal experience, Jenny H said: “I live in Wales and benefit from free bus travel.

“It should be available in England and the government should be looking at ways of discouraging car use where possible.”

While the Government has yet to make any changes to this travel offering, those who are interested in applying for the free bus pass can do via the gov.uk website.

Applicants must share their postcode to apply via their local council who will then deliver it to their address.

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