The 'biggest danger' with contactless cards amid calls to increase limit to £300

CALLS have been raised to "raise the limit" imposed on contactless card payments in the UK despite the potential danger of doing so.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

Contactless card scams discusses by Which? expert

Last October, a new contactless spending limit on card payments was rolled out across the UK at £100 to give consumers more flexibility in their shopping and to encourage social distancing during the pandemic.

The decision was made by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) which more than doubled the limit from £45.

From January to July 2021, some 60 percent of all debit and credit card transactions in the country were made using contactless.

At the time, David Postings, the Chief Executive of UK Finance, said: “The new £100 limit offers customers greater choice about how they pay for things like their weekly shop or a tank of fuel.

“Contactless payments have become increasingly popular, and the payments industry has worked hard to ensure retailers are able to offer customers the new higher limit.”


Contactless card payment limit 'should increase' from £100 despite dangers (Image: GETTY)

According to research carried out by NerdWallet's Consumer Borrowing Index, the £100 contactless limit may not be enough for many Britons.

This is despite concerns that contactless payments exacerbate the risk of people falling into debt as it often does not help in keeping track of their expenses.

Some 54 percent of those who participated in the survey, over half of respondents, shared their anxieties over the ease of taking on debt more easily due to contactless payments becoming the prominent means of making transactions.

Some 20 percent admitted that they spend with less thought now that they are using contactless as payment up for transactions to £100.

Younger consumers were found to be notably concerned about the over reliance in using contactless with over half of millennials anxious about the impact on their spending.

However, 23 percent of those polled by Nerdwallet shared they would be happy if the high payment threshold was increased even further.

When the finance website asked respondents how much they would feel comfortable using contactless up to, the response of Britons in favour of the rise came to £305.62.

Speaking exclusively to, Denise Ko Genovese, Senior Editor at NerdWallet, shared her insight into what the public is really feeling about the growing prominence of contactless payments.


Contactless payments already rose last year - could they go up further? (Image: GETTY)

Ms Genovese said: “With contactless payments so easy, and the limit ever-increasing, we all risk becoming slapdash and overly casual in our spending.

“At the till, it can be easy to forget that a contactless tap is still the same as paying in cash: either way you are spending your own money.

“The biggest danger lies in losing track of how many times you tap and the amount you have been spending."

On what people can do to avoid the dangers of contactless payments, she added: “Creating a budget is a great starting point for most money matters, especially when it comes to staying on track of your finances.

“And that is just as true for contactless payments. Banking apps can be a great aid, adding up your purchases and categorising each transaction for you.

“This can help you take back control of the what, where, and when of your spending."

“Above all else, think before you tap and get into the mindset that tapping equals spending.

“Do you need it? And if you had cash in your pocket, would you be handing it over so quickly?”

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