Benefits update: PIP replacement could see DWP claimants get £231 a week

A SUGGESTED replacement for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) could see benefits claimants get support of almost £231 a week.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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PIP is a benefit payment designed to help those with a disability with the extra costs that arise from having their particular condition. It is split into two separate parts: a daily living component and a mobility component, with claimants being potentially eligible for both payments. The lower weekly rate of the daily living part is £60 while the highest rate someone can get in a week is £89.60.

Comparatively, the lower weekly rate of the mobility component is £23.70 while the higher rate is £62.55.

However, a recent proposal from the Commission for Social Security has called for a replacement to PIP which would see this amount raised dramatically.

The Commission listened to evidence from various stakeholders in the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) benefits system and is calling for a reset to centre its operations around “dignity and decency”.

Specifically, the group’s report believes the DWP’s current system is “inadequate, demeaning, inefficient and deliberately scapegoats people.”

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Benefits update: PIP replacement could see DWP claimants get £231 a week (Image: GETTY)

Among its proposals include PIP being replaced with an alternative non means-tested support.

This new benefit would see payments rise to a new range from £83.70 to £230.77 a week in order to cover the additional costs deaf and disabled people deal with on a daily basis.

Furthermore, the Commission is calling for a Guaranteed Decent Income, which will be set at 50 percent of the minimum wage.

On top of this, the group is lobbying for child benefit to be reset at £50 a week for vulnerable households.



Michael Orton, the commission’s secretary, said: “The pandemic showed that when times were tough it was unpaid carers, supermarket workers and others on low incomes who kept our society going.

"It also showed that if we choose to, we can provide social security for everyone.

“However, the recent cut to Universal Credit means the government is headed in the wrong direction. With a cost of living crisis looming in 2022, it doesn’t have to be like this.”

Commission co-chair Ellen Morrison explained:: “This is not a system fit for purpose. How can I be assessed as eligible for a higher rate of Employment Support Allowance but now


How much is PIP? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

“I’m in a relationship, the government expects me to rely on my partner’s income. It’s incredibly regressive to take away disabled people’s independence and autonomy in this way.”

Mike Tighe, the report’s commissioner, added: “The public are unaware of the truth about how the benefit system works.

“People are treated with suspicion and distrust. It leads to frustration, anxiety and hurt for ordinary people.

“It’s not that the people working for the DWP are monsters, but the system they are being asked to enforce is definitely monstrous, everyone is entitled to dignity, including with social security.”

A DWP spokesperson said: “Universal Credit is providing vital support to millions and playing a crucial role as we support people into work.

“The changes to the taper rate and work allowance represent an effective tax cut of £2.2billion putting an average of £1,000 a year back into people’s pockets.

“We are also supporting hundreds of thousands of people every year with long term health conditions and have made extra financial support available to those with disabilities, or those who care for them, through Personal Independence Payments.”

The department added that the DWP is committed to supporting disabeld people and claims are not affected by household incomes.

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