‘Unprecedented levels of stress!’ Unpaid carers set to struggle as energy bills skyrocket

UNPAID carers are set to face "unprecedented levels of stress" due the pending energy bill hike next month.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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The UK’s regulator Ofgem has confirmed that the energy price cap is set to hit nearly £2,000 in April, which will result in bills rising by £693 for the average household a year. Experts believe the price cap could rise even further in October, reaching £3,000 which would add further pressure to low income households. One of the more vulnerable groups impacted by the cost of living crisis is unpaid carers who often rely on benefit payments from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), such as Carer’s Allowance to survive.

Speaking exclusively to Express.co.uk, unpaid carers are sharing how the staggering rise in energy bills is affecting their ability

One woman spoke to Express.co.uk about her experience as an unpaid carer and her concerns for the future in light of the cost of living crisis.

Ann, from Crawley in West Sussex, has been caring for her mother following her dementia diagnosis.

Giving up her job, Ann moved in to her mother’s in the early days of the pandemic as the only alternative would be to put her mum in a care home.

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‘Unprecedented levels of stress!’ Unpaid carers set to struggle as energy bills skyrocket (Image: GETTY)

Due to her condition Ann’s mother has extensive hospital equipment which has already led to her electricity bill doubling, and can never be switched off.

For example, if it was switched off, it would set off an alarm so she is extremely worried about the rise in energy bills.

Another carer, Gary, takes care of his wife Natasha who needs assistance following a spinal injury. While he gets support from the DWP via Carer’s Allowance, he believes more needs to be done in light of the energy bill hike.

Gary said: “We have one electricity meter and obviously we have to top it up, so we have to move our money from other bills to do that.


“I have a CPAP machine for sleep apnea so I need to power that concoction in at night.

“My wife needs to charge her scooter and equipment. We have to do laundry nearly every day, because of my wife's condition.

“One of the side effects include an occasional incontinence and things. The washing machine and tumble dryer kept things washed and dried, they are constantly on the go.”

To address the concerns of unpaid carers, Carers UK is calling on the UK Government to increase Carer’s Allowance and other DWP payments to support this struggling demographic.


How much is Carer's Allowance? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Helen Walker, the chief executive of Carers UK, explained: “We are seeing unprecedented levels of stress and financial worries piled on unpaid carers.

“Many were already struggling to manage their monthly expenses before the soaring energy prices and inflation increased the price of essentials. Now 45 percent of carers are unable to manage their monthly expenses.

“Many are dipping into savings, using credit cards, being pushed into debt and cutting back on essentials to keep the person they care for warm and healthy.

“They are extremely anxious about how they are going to continue to manage. Nearly half of carers think the rising energy costs will impact on their health and the health of the person they care for.

“Carers are propping up our health and care system at a huge cost to their own personal health, finances and ability to stay in work.

“Now the picture is even bleaker, with increasing costs forcing them to cut back on food, on heat, and more than ever are worried that they will be pushed into debt.

“There is an urgent need for targeted support for unpaid carers now. Thousands more are being pushed into poverty that will have a lasting impact on their finances and quality of life.”

Express.co.uk has reached out to the DWP for comment.

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