'Helpless & insecure!' Millions of over 60s unable to get £150 council tax rebate

MILLIONS of older Britons are unable to claim the Government's new council tax rebate which could offer crucial support in light of the rising cost of living.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

Martin Lewis speaks on council tax updates

Earlier this year, the Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced the discount scheme which would see households in council bands A to D receive a £150 discount off their tax bill. The latest financial support scheme has been introduced to mitigate soaring inflation and energy bills. However, organisations such as Age UK are sounding the alarm that those over 60 and the state pension may be unable to claim this vital discount.

Recent analysis from the charity has found that among older households who are unable to claim the rebate, one in five are living in poverty or are in receipt of benefits.

Age UK is warning that many of these people will be unable to apply for the support as their households are in council tax bands E to H.

Currently, there are 4.3 million households which are ineligible for the council tax rebate offered by the Government.

Of this wider group, around 2.1 million of these households include a resident who is over the age of 60.

READ MORE: Council tax reductions explained: Who is eligible to pay less and how to claim


'Helpless & insecure!' Millions of state pensioners unable to get £150 council tax rebate (Image: GETTY)

One woman named Norma spoke with Age UK about her situation and her fears for the future.

The 81-year old said: “The uncertainty regarding the energy bills along with increases in food and clothing is stressful and the future is looking bleak.

“I never imagined that this country would leave me, at 81 and disabled, feeling helpless and insecure.”

On the Government’s support, Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK, said: “It was already clear that the support announced by the Government last month was insufficient to protect older people on low and modest incomes from the impact of inflationary price rises.


“Now, deepening our concerns, our new analysis shows that one in five of the older population who are already hard-pressed are set to miss out on the £150 council tax rebate.

“The Government must do more to help them by expanding eligibility for the rebate scheme, or through some other mechanism that puts additional cash into their hands.”

She added: “The Chancellor paused the triple lock guarantee to the state pension this year on the basis that the increase in average earnings at the time was a temporary blip due to the pandemic.

“Since then, prices have soared so next month’s planned 3.1 percent increase is only a drop in the ocean compared to the sharp rises in energy and other costs confronting us all.


How much is the state pension? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

“As things stand, at Age UK we simply cannot see how older people who have no other sources of income besides their state pension and benefits will be able to pay the higher prices they face.

“Those with few if any savings are out of options and their only hope now is that the Government will recognise their difficulties and extend a helping hand.”

The Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a doubling of the financial support for the Household Support Fund as part of his Spring Statement last week.

As well as this, the Times reported Mr Sunak is looking into another rebate scheme in a bid to tackle rising energy bills.

In response, a Government spokesman said: "We recognise the pressures people are facing with the cost of living, which is why we announced last month £9.1billion to support the majority of households with their energy bills.

“The energy price cap continues to insulate millions of customers from volatile global gas prices, which is on top of existing schemes targeted at vulnerable and low-income households.

“There is significant volatility in the wholesale price of gas but as we have said, the Government will continue to monitor developments and the consequences for the cost of living, and will be ready to take further steps to support households if needed.”

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