Cost of living: Millions to get £650 payment in next few weeks - who is eligible?

MILLIONS of households are set to get an extra £650 payment in the next weeks to combat the cost of living crisis. Who is eligible for

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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Last month, the Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a new wave of financial support packages to help those struggling with rising inflation and energy bills. In his statement, Mr Sunak said: “I can announce we will send, directly to around eight million of the lowest income households, a one-off cost of living payment of £650. “Support worth over £5billion to give vulnerable people certainty that we are standing by them at this challenging time.

“DWP will make the payment in two lump sums - the first from July, the second in autumn, with payments from HMRC for those on Tax Credits, following shortly after.”

Currently, inflation is at nine percent and households are experiencing an annual energy bill of £693.

Experts are predicting inflation could hit ten percent in the coming months and the energy price cap is forecast to reach £2,800 by October.

With this in mind, many Britons will be needing the extra £650 payment to deal with the soaring cost of living.

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8.4 million households to get extra £650 payment in next few weeks - who is eligible? (Image: GETTY)

Overall, around 8.4 million households who claim means-tested benefit payments are set to be eligible for an extra £650.

This payment will be a one-off and split into two instalments of £325 which will be awarded in different parts of the year.

While a date for this cost of living payment has yet to be arranged, the first payment will arrive in a claimant’s bank account “from” July, according to the Government.

To get the first part of the extra £650, recipients must have started their claim for one of the qualifying benefit payments by May 25, 2022 to get the first amount of the £650.


The following £325 payment is likely to be given in the winter months of 2022, however no data has been provided by the Government.

There has been no deadline given for when someone needs to meet the eligibility criteria to claim the second payment instalment.

Households could not meet the eligibility criteria for the first instalment, however could receive the second payment later in the year if their circumstances change.

Among the qualifying benefits someone needs to be on to claim this extra £650 cost of living payment are:


How much have energy bills gone up by? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)
Child Tax Credit
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Income Support
Working Tax Credit

Those waiting to be paid in the next few weeks do not need to worry about applying directly to the Government as it is paid automatically to eligible households.

On top of this, the extra £650 is not taxable and will not affect someone’s claim to other benefits or tax credits.

Aside from this major support payment, Mr Sunak also outlined other cost of living support schemes for those who do not meet the eligibility criteria for the £650 payment.

These include an energy bill discount worth £400 which will be introduced from October and is a non-repayable grant.

Pensioners who are in receipt of the Winter Fuel Payment will get an extra £300 sometime in November or December.

Around six million disabled people in the UK will also get an additional payment of £150 if they claim certain qualifying benefits, such as Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

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