Energy bills to hit £4,200 in few months - Britons urged to 'speak to provider' for help

HOUSEHOLDS are being urged to speak to their energy provider "as soon as possible" as energy bills are expected to reach a new record high in the coming months.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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The latest predictions from Cornwall Insights estimate that the energy price cap will hit £4,266 a year. This is the equivalent to a price rise of £650 from last week’s prediction for those living in England, Wales and Scotland. In light of this development, consumer experts are giving advice to Britons in need of help as energy bills continue to skyrocket.

Specifically, households are being reminded to “speak to your provider as soon as possible” as they could be eligible for additional support.

Last week, industry regulator Ofgem confirmed it would be updating its price cap quarterly instead of every six months.

This change resulted in Cornwall Insights updating its own forecast for energy bills which show households will likely pay more.

Based on this new forecast, Britons will experience an 81 percent increase to the price cap in October.

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‘Speak to your provider ASAP!’ Energy bill warning as households to pay £4,266 a year (Image: GETTY)

This will cause the average household energy bill to jump to a staggering £3,582 per year.

On top of this, families are being told to prepare for a further 19 percent in January 2023 which will push bills to £4,266 annually.

Justina Miltienyte, the head of policy at, is among the many sounding the alarm that action needs to be taken to protect consumers.

Ms Miltienyte explained: “Every week brings more bad news about how high the price cap is likely to soar, and these latest suggestions must stir the Government to act now before it’s too late.


"The latest figures for October and January make a mockery of the energy bill support package, and would see average household bills hit £580 in the first month of the new year alone.

“The promised £66-a-month over winter, while a good start, will barely touch the sides of this increase.”

As part of her warning, the energy expert shared advice to households looking to save money on their energy bills despite the extortionate price cap hike.

She added: "The energy bill support needs to be urgently reviewed. The new predictions will leave a lot of people worried about how they are going to afford their bills this winter and beyond, based on the sky-high predictions through to next October.

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How much have energy bills gone up by? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

“Households desperately need to know that sufficient financial support will be provided. If you are behind on your bill payments, or your energy account is going into debt, speak to your provider as soon as possible.

“They should be able to help you find a solution, such as working out a more affordable payment plan. You may also find you are eligible for additional support such as hardship funds and other energy help schemes.”

Campaigners are pushing for the Government to raise benefit payments to help those most struggling with their energy bills.

Morgan Wild, the head of Policy for Citizens Advice, said: “The cost of living crisis is already having a devastating impact on people’s lives. Every day we hear from people who can’t afford to turn the lights on or cook their kids a hot meal.

“The Government did the right thing by bringing in targeted support, but it won’t be enough for people to manage these previously unthinkable price hikes. 

“The obvious place to start is to increase benefits to keep pace with the cost of living. There’s no time to waste.”

A Government spokesperson said: “We recognise people are struggling with rising prices which is why we are protecting millions of the most vulnerable families with at least £1,200 of direct payments, starting with the £326 cost of living payment, which has already been issued to more than seven million low income households.

“Through our £37billion support package we are saving the typical employee over £330 a year through a tax cut, allowing people on Universal Credit to keep £1,000 more of what they earn, while all households will receive £400 energy payments.

“Vulnerable families in England are also being supported by the Government’s Household Support Fund - which was boosted by £500million - to help pay for essentials.”

Ofgem is due to publish the next energy price cap level towards the end of August.  

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