British Gas offering households in need energy bill grants of up to £1,500

Households in need of financial support may be able to find it thanks to a scheme provided by British Gas.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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Currently, households are experiencing an exponential rise in their energy bills with average costs to soar by 27 percent as of this month. This takes into account the Government’s £2,500 price guarantee on the average unit of gas and electricity for households. However, many families are still in need of support which can be offered through a grant scheme administered by British Gas.

Britons can apply for up to £1,500 from British Gas Energy Cast to help in paying off debts owed to suppliers.

This debt support is available to everyone in the country.who is in need of it, not just customers of the energy supplier.

It should be noted that funds for the grant scheme are limited so those in energy debt are encouraged to reach out as soon as possible.

Two separate schemes are available which are operated by the British Gas Energy Trust, with one for existing customers and the other for non-customers.

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Woman looking at bill

British Gas offering households in need energy bill grants of up to £1,500 (Image: GETTY)

The exclusive grants scheme for customers has been open all year but recently closed on July 8, 2022.

Despite this, the initiative’s sister scheme for non-customers reopened after closing in the spring.

Both grant initiatives are open to residents living in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

In order to qualify for the 'Individuals and families fund’, which awards up to £1,500 in support, claimants must have had help from a money advice charity in the last three months.


On top of this, they must also currently be in energy debt in their active gas and electricity account and must also have less than £1,000 in savings.

Claimants cannot have received any debt grant money from British Gas within the last three years.

Furthermore, they must be classified as being in fuel poverty or at risk of falling into it, which means they are spending over 10 percent of their earnings on energy bills.

Andy Barr, the co-founder of, outlined why households must be on the lookout for grant support either from British Gas or the Government.

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Energy bills

Average energy bills per region (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Mr Barr said: “Look out for all the charitable trusts and funds that big energy firms have, which can help if you’re in debt and struggling to repay.

“British Gas is currently offering up £1,500 to anyone in energy debt, which is available to everyone (not just their own customers).

“What’s more, almost all households will get £400 this winter to help with rising energy bills – which’ll be automatic and paid by your supplier between October 2022 and March 2023.

“Alongside this, households on certain means-tested benefits will get £650 this year, as part of a wider package of support announced by the Government.”

Sarah Coles, a senior personal finance analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, outlined the various grant schemes which are on offer from energy suppliers in the UK.

Ms Coles explained: “Your supplier may offer non-repayable grants to people suffering real financial difficulties.

“The major energy providers tend to offer them to their own customers – including EDF, E.on Next, Shell and Scottish Power. British Gas Energy Trust offers grants to people who are struggling – regardless of whether they are a British Gas customer.

“You need to contact them and check their eligibility rules and how to apply.

“The process can be onerous, so don’t be afraid to ask for help with it from charities like Stepchange and Citizens Advice.”

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