‘Sharing my passion’: Woman explains how she makes money without leaving home

Britons are increasingly turning to second jobs to boost their income amid the growing economic downturn.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news., Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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'Side hustles' is the term used to describe extra jobs people take on to supplement their finances or pursue a life passion. One of the ways people are able to pursue these additional careers is through social media, notably through TikTok and Instagram. People are opening up about how their side hustles have been able to open new doors and replace the salaries they were previously earning.

One Instagram content creator discussed how her social media side hustle has enabled her to have a career with a salary “equal to my earnings” in her previous role.

Carla Isolano spoke with Express.co.uk about how her love for interior design and photography combined into a brand new “revenue stream” for her.

Ms Isolano explained: “I'm a professional photographer and have worked in commercial photography for a number of years.

“I started sharing my passion for interiors and love of DIY on social media a few years ago and it quickly became another revenue stream to my business.”

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Woman at door, someone holding phone

Woman makes salary ‘equal to earnings’ of old job in social media side hustle (Image: GETTY/Carla Isolano)

Through her Instagram, @locationhouseofbeau, she is able to connect with an audience and monetise her interests.

She added: “Creating content and working on campaigns is something that has grown with my following, which is currently around 118,000, and affiliate links have also been a natural part of that.”

The businesswoman shared how she has been able to grow her reach and make money on social media through taking pictures of homes.

The content creator said: “I use a platform called Awin. There's a whole host of brands on Awin offering various affiliate schemes when linking their products.


“This means you can earn via linking products to your social media.

“You also get looped into different offers and promotions that might interest your audience.

“I don't know about you but if there's a sale on I want to hear about it.

“Through my social platforms I've been able to forge a career that is equal to my earnings in my previous employment and working from home has enabled me to be around for the school run.”

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Content creator Carla Isolano

Content creator Carla Isolano (Image: Carla Isolano)

Within the past 12 months, Google searches for 'side hustle' have increased by a staggering 58 percent.

In the last month alone, there have been 26,000 searches in the UK as second jobs becoming all the more popular.

A recent study by GoDaddy found that 10 million Britons are exploring taking a second or even third job.

Darren Fell, the founder and CEO at Crunch, discussed with Express.co.uk the difficulties one can face when taking on a side hustle.

Mr Fell said: “We've all seen those case studies in the news where someone has thrown in their day job to pursue their side hustles full time.

“While it's certainly possible for some, leaping from permanent employment to focus purely on your own business ventures isn't always viable.

“The reliable income from a 9-5 is something that only a few can spare to ditch, especially amid the cost of living crisis.

“But the extra income and sense of fulfilment that can come from pursuing a side hustle or small business idea are nonetheless attractive.”

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