Pension savers warned of withdrawal ‘implications’ leaving over 55s paying more to HMRC

Pension savers are warned they may be hit with costly tax bills if they withdraw too much from their pensions.

By Temie Laleye, Senior personal finance reporter with three years of experience specialising in the changes in mortgage and interest rates, benefits, side hustle success and personal scam stories.

tax freee

Most people will get 25 percent of their total pension pot tax-free (Image: GETTY)

Most people will get 25 percent of their total pension pot tax-free and they pay income tax on the remaining 75 percent.

‌It should be noted that this can change depending on the type of pension plan they have and if they’ve gone over their lifetime allowance.

‌Savers who withdraw their entire pot in one go risk being pushed into a higher tax bracket for that year, and handing over a potentially huge sum to HMRC.‌

Dean Butler, Managing Director for Retail at Standard Life said: “Taking a tax-free sum from pension savings is a stage a lot of people look forward to, however, there are some key things to consider about how you take this.

“For example taking it all in one go or splitting withdrawals into chunks over a period of time – and the implications and benefits involved.

state pension explained

State pension age is currently 66 in the UK (Image: EXPRESS)

“Whichever way you plan to take out your pension money, you need to think about tax, as there may be income tax to pay on any money you take out over your tax-free entitlement of 25 percent of the fund value.”

‌The majority of those approaching the age when they can begin to access their pot are similarly unaware, with 52 percent of those aged between 50 and 54 oblivious about this rule too, according to new study.

Research from Standard Life, part of Phoenix Group, highlighted a lack of knowledge which could result in people making ill-informed decisions when they access their pension savings.

‌People can access their pension savings, including their tax-free lump sum, at the age of 55 (rising to 57 in 2028).

In some cases, Britons may be able to access their pension earlier — if they’re in ill health or in a particular scheme with a protected age, for example — but these cases are rare and it’s more likely people will need to wait to the minimum access age.

pension withdrawal

Britons pay income tax on the remaining 75 percent of pensions (Image: GETTY)

He warned that taking too much too soon could cause people to “run out of money later”.

He explained a few factors that pension savers should be aware of when deciding whether to take their tax-free lump sum.

‌After taking the tax-free cash, further pension withdrawals are added to all one’s other income sources for the year. This includes any state pension, work earnings, money taken from other savings, investments or annuities, and even certain state benefits.

The full new state pension of £10,600 this year is below the £12,570 personal allowance, but even relatively small pension withdrawals on top could push people over, with the tax deducted from workplace or personal pension withdrawals rather than the state pension itself.

If a pension withdrawal pushes an over-55's income above the personal allowance, it would be subject to basic rate income tax at 20 percent, minus the tax-free cash element.

Those who cash in big pots in one go could end up paying higher rate tax, which could see some of the money taxed at 40 percent or even 45 percent.

‌In some cases, this could be the only year of their life they fall into a higher tax bracket, causing huge regret. Especially if in future years they are nowhere near paying higher-rate tax.

‌Mr Butler said: “If you’re entitled to receive state benefits like Universal Credit or Pension Credit, you could lose your entitlement or it may reduce if you start accessing your pension savings. This is because your pension savings will count as a form of income or could be treated as capital, so it’s important to check you won’t be impacted by this before making any decisions.

“In addition, taking a tax-free lump sum won’t affect the amount you can pay into your pension plan. Before you access any taxable income from your pension plan, the total amount you can pay in each tax year and still get tax benefits is £40,000, or your total salary, whichever is lower, and then you’d need to pay a tax charge for anything over this amount.

“However, once you do start taking taxable income, for most people this will reduce to £10,000 a year. This is a really important consideration when you’re working out plans for taking your retirement savings. Particularly if your plan is to keep working and paying in after you start to take your money.”

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