'I got an extra £400 a month to help me pay energy bills with simple 10-minute check'

Those struggling with rising costs could be a 10-minute check away from finding out they're entitled to vital extra income.

By Temie Laleye, Senior personal finance reporter with three years of experience specialising in the changes in mortgage and interest rates, benefits, side hustle success and personal scam stories.

state pension explained

One woman found out she was eligible for an extra £400 a month (Image: CAP)

One woman found out she was eligible for an extra £400 a month which has helped her pay her electric and gas bill.

More than £90 million of unclaimed income has been found at a time when millions are struggling with the cost of living, new figures have shown.

UK debt and budgeting help charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP) are urging people to use their benefits calculator to see if they are entitled to more income just like Paulette.

Paulette said: “I was already claiming for Universal Credit – but the advisors at the Job Centre don’t tell you everything that you’re entitled to. It wasn’t enough to make ends meet. I had some savings, but I had to keep to dipping in pay for things until it got on top of me."

“It got to the point when I had bailiffs knocking at the door, which was very stressful. I couldn’t afford to put the heating on last winter, so I had to stay in bed with hot water bottles to keep warm.”


Jon explained that many people discover they can claim benefits or discounts they didn’t realise (Image: CAP)

Nationally, it’s estimated £19 billion of annual income is still not being claimed as many don’t know what they’re entitled to. Others find the process of applying overly complex, and others can feel shut out through a lack of digital access or local support.

Figures shown by CAP revealed that with the online check, almost 14,000 have found extra income, with the average monthly amount found being £513.

After using the benefits calculator Paulette found that she was entitled to around £400 extra of benefits a month that she was previously missing out on.

On top of her Universal Credit, Paulette discovered she had housing benefit arrears, which enabled her to pay off her debts.


Almost 14,000 have found extra income, with the average monthly amount found being £513 (Image: GETTY)

Before, she would often have to ask friends or family for money to get to hospital appointments on the bus however she is now able to afford these things.

The 59-year-old said: “When I got debt-free, I wanted to cry as I was so happy. I can pay the full rent and it’s such a relief. The extra money feels great, but I know I still need more.

“I need adaptations for my home due to my disabilities. For example, I need a new sofa as I can’t easily get up and down out of my sofa as it is too low for me. I can’t get into my garden as I need a railing installed.”

She explained that the extra money has helped her with electricity, transport and food.

Although she can afford to put the heating on, she explained she can only allow herself two hours of heating at a time as it’s too expensive.

Jon, her advisor explained that almost every other person they see at CAP can claim benefits or discounts they didn’t realise they were entitled to. Even if it is just a discount on water bills or a discretionary housing benefit, it could be the difference between “staying afloat or sinking into debt”.

He encouraged anyone who may be struggling to pay their bills to visit their local Christians Against Poverty Debt Centre or talk to Citizens Advice.

As debt manager at CAP, Jon regularly offers free money coaching courses, which will help give people the knowledge, tools, and confidence to stay in control of their finances.

He suggested some practical solutions for those who may be financially squeezed.

He said: “Things include simple moves like planning your meals (don't get drawn into offers you can't afford), cutting out unnecessary subscriptions, simple energy-saving ideas such as drawing the curtains at dusk or using draft excluders and perhaps most importantly, making a written budget to track what you are spending.

“Although you might only save a few pounds here and there, making small cuts in lots of places quickly adds up and helps improve your finances.”

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