Weight loss: Ditch the gym and get beach body ready for FREE with THIS hack

WEIGHT loss doesn’t have to involve forking out for a gym membership. Just a few simple hacks can help you get into shape and save money at the same time.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Weight loss: You don't have to fork out on a gym membership

Britons can ditch the gym this summer and save hundreds of pounds with a series of frugal hacks to get beach body ready. 

From following fitness influencers on social media, making yourself a home gym and buying a skipping rope, there are a range of things you can do to get into shape and save some cash at the same time. 

Getting fit for free isn’t just about pounding the pavements and going for a run, instead you can be creative with things you find around the home. 

The penny-pinching gurus at PromotionalCodes.org.uk have ten tips to get fit for free. 

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Weight loss: Try walking to work and planning your meals

Gyms make a fortune from people who are desperate for a beach bod, and so many people succumb to splashing the cash.

Darren Williams from PromotionalCodes.org.uk said: “Summertime is always the time of the year when everyone wants to be in the best shape possible. 

“Gyms make a fortune from people who are desperate for a beach bod, and so many people succumb to splashing the cash. 

“But there are plenty of ways people can get the body they want without having to shell out the money. 

“By making the most of your home furniture and following a few fitness bloggers on social media, you can get a good exercise routine without spending a penny.” 

Make a home gym

If you’re looking for a quick-fix to get beach body ready, don’t purchase a one year gym membership. Instead, try doing small but effective workout at home. Sprint up the stairs, use the kitchen worktop to do incline push ups, the wall to do wall squats and the sofa to do tricep dips. 

Walk to work

Instead of getting in the car or hopping on the bus, why not wake up a little earlier and walk to work? The exercise will leave you feeling fresh and ready for the day while also giving you a free workout. If you live a little too far from your work to walk, try getting off the bus a stop early, or park your car a little further away than usual. 

Plan your meals 

Planning some healthy work lunches and meals is actually a great way you get beach body ready frugally. If you regularly purchase food for your lunch then this will certainly help you save some cash. Choose some healthy, high protein recipes that will keep you full up until dinner time. This will stop you snacking at your office desk as well. 

Get a skipping rope

Skipping ropes are relatively cheap yet they provide you with lots of different exercises. By simply skipping and jumping, you can get in a great cardio session, plus it can be wrapped around study objects and used for resistance training and stretching. 

Put your goals on the fridge 

Don’t rely on personal trainers to keep track of your progress for you. Instead, so it the frugal way and track your beach body progress by sticking it up on the fridge. You can also put your exercise plan and your meal prep up there as well. 

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Weight loss: Instead of purchasing a gym membership try making a home gym

Squat while bushing your teeth

Try doing deep lunge squats during your morning and evening tooth brushing. This is great mini-exercise that you can do as part of your daily routine. 

Don’t get sucked in to buying fitness DVDs

We’ve all been sucked into buying a fitness DVD after seeing our favourite celebrity’s dramatic weight loss, but had the workouts they are doing you could do for free by using internet videos to help. Try googling a quick and easy workout that targets the area you are trying to lose weight on. 

Exercise on the beach 

If you live near the seaside, or if you want to maintain you fitness regime while you are on your holiday, try jogging or doing a workout on the beach. The sand will give you a more high-intensity workout. 

Do the housework 

You can burn anything from 100 to 300 calories per hour just by doing the housework. Chores such as hoovering, washing dishes, ironing and mowing the lawn are all great calorie burning workouts that cost nothing and will contribute to getting you beach body ready in no time. 

Follow fitness professionals on social media 

There are so many incredible fitness professionals that share their tips and tricks online for free. Make sure you follow them for handy workout inspiration and heathy recipes to get you fitter the beach in no time.

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