People only just realising where raisins come from - and they're 'mind-blown'

Raisins are a staple part of children's lunchboxes, but it turns out many people don't know how they're made - and some are even "mind-blown" by the revelation.

Dried raisins

People have been surprised to learn where raisins come from (Image: Getty Images)

People were left shocked after learning what raisins are actually made from. Raisins, a common item in children's lunchboxes, have a surprising origin that many people don't know about.

We've all probably had raisins at some point. They're often found in kids' packed lunches, healthy breakfasts like granola, flapjacks and even chocolate-covered snacks.

But do you know how they're made? While it might seem obvious to some, others are just discovering the truth - and it's leaving them amazed.

It's well-known that raisins are a . However, some people are only now understanding why they've never seen a fresh raisin.

We can eat both dried and fresh apricots, so where are the fresh raisins? As many of us already know, raisins are what you get when you dry out grapes.

Close up of woman's hands taking organic raisins from glass jar

Raisins are considered a tasty snack (Image: Getty)

Specifically, raisins are dried white Moscatel grapes, a type of grape mainly grown in the United States, Turkey, Australia, and Greece. While this fact may be clear to some, a quick look at X (previously known as Twitter) reveals plenty of people had no clue.

One person was shocked and said: "Am I the only dumb b***h that didn't know raisins were grapes?," while another was just as surprised: "Please tell me I'm not the only one that didn't know raisins are dried grapes. Please, I can't be alone in this!"

Someone else found out too and shared: "Dude, I didn't know raisins were grapes. I'm so mind-blown right now."

Even smart people can miss simple facts, like someone who revealed: "My husband didn't know that raisins are dried grapes. He went to Oxford University. Excuse me while I never forget this moment."

But remember, raisins aren't the same as other dried fruits like currants and sultanas. You might see these little dried goodies in  treats like scones and hot cross buns, which usually have currants, and they look a bit alike, but they come from different types of grapes.

Currants are made from a special kind of dark red grape called the Black Corinth grape. These grapes started growing a long time ago in Greece, on an island called Zante, and sometimes in the US, people call them Zante currants. The name "currant" is from an old city named Corinth, and some folks might say Corinth raisins or Corinthian raisins. But in the UK and Ireland, most people just say currants.

Sultanas, on the other hand, are made from seedless white grapes, just like raisins. They have a golden hue and are typically juicier and sweeter than other types of raisins. Sultanas are mainly produced in Turkey and are a common ingredient in many couscous and rice dishes.

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