Christmas leftover recipes: How to turn your uneaten vegetables into two HEARTY soups

CHRISTMAS dinner leftovers are inevitable in the midst of over-indulging, but rather than throwing those uneaten Brussels Sprouts, carrots and parsnips away, why not turn them into a delicious soup.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Christmas leftover recipes for uneaten vegetables

Households across the country have stocked up with everything from turkeys and trimmings, to sprouts and spuds, but Sainsbury’s is now encouraging Britons to also be mindful of the food they waste. 

Research from the retailer has identified that, for a quarter of people, Christmas is the time of year when we bin the most food, contributing to the seven million tonnes of food that is wasted by UK households every year. 

And food waste isn’t just bad for the environment, the average household with children will spend a whopping £700 each year on food destined straight for the bin. 

But according to experts at Sainsbury’s, shoppers can waste less and save more money this festive season, just by being creative when it comes to using their leftovers. 

Sainsbury’s has come up with two recipe ideas to use up leftover vegetables from your Christmas dinner, as part of its Waste less, Save more programme - Brussels Sprout and Cheddar Soup and Bubble & Squeak Soup with Dumplings. 

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Christmas leftover recipes: Turn uneaten vegetables into Brussels sprouts and cheddar soup

Brussels Sprout & Cheddar Soup


2 tsp olive oil, plus extra for drizzling

2 medium onions, chopped

300g cooked Brussels sprouts 

2 garlic cloves, crushed

650ml vegetable stock 

4 tbsp single cream 

100g mature cheddar, grated plus extra to serve


Heat the oil in a medium pan and fry the onions over a medium heat until soft, 8-10 minutes. Meanwhile, roughly chop had the sprouts and cut the rest into halves or quarters, depending on size. 

Add the garlic to the pan and stir-fry for 1 minutes, then add the chopped sprouts and stock, cover with a life and bring to the boil. Take the pan oft and leave to cool . 

Puree the soup, Stir the cream, remaining sprouts, cheesed some seasoning into the pan and simmer for 2-3 minutes or until the cheese has melted. Severe with a drizzle olive oil and a scattering of extra cheese.

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Christmas leftover recipes: Or try out a bubble & squeak soup with dumplings

Bubble & Squeak Soup with Dumplings 

Soup ingredients: 

Stock made with a turkey carcass

Leftover turkey, chopped 

Leftover cooked vegetables - leek, turnips, carrots, roast or boiled potatoes, roast parsnips

Soup method: 

After you have stripped the turkey carcass of all its meat, put it in the slow cooker, cover with boiling water and let it cook overnight. 

Strain the turkey bits and bones from the brother and allow to cool before you skim off any fat from the top. The makes a delicious turkey stock and the best base for this soup. If you don’t have a turkey carcass then you can use sop bought stock or stock cube. 

Make sure any of your leftover vegetables are in bit sized pieces. Add the vegetables to your stock and warm. As your vegetables are already cooked it only needs to be warmed through before you eat it. 

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Christmas leftover recipes: Sainsbury's is urging people to cut down on their food waste

Dumplings ingredients: 

100g vegetable suet

200g self-raising flour 

Dumplings method: 

Make a well in the middle and add water, mixing with a butter knife until it comes together. 

Form loosely into eight portions and place in the soup. 

Cook uncovered in the oven for 20 minutes for a a crispy top and cover for 30 minutes for a soft top. 

Sainsbury's worked with Mum in the Mad House to devise the Bubble & Squeak Soup recipe. 

Should you wash your turkey? An expert has issued a Christmas food-poisoning warning. 

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