St Patrick's Day recipe - how to make a DELICIOUS Guinness chocolate cake

THE GUINNESS chocolate cake is an indulgent treat, perfect for fans of the black stuff and those with a sweet tooth. With enough portions for eight, this cake is ideal for sharing with friends and family.

By KATRINA TURRILL , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Chocolate Guinness cake recipe: An alternative if you don't like drinking pints

Revellers are preparing to drink vast quantities of Guinness and other Irish tipples to celebrate St Patricks Day on March 17. 

But if you're not a fan of pints, then be reminded Guinness doesn't have to just be for drinking. 

As well as working well in a range of cocktails, Guinness can also be used to make a creamy, intense chocolate cake. 

This recipe serve eight, and just takes a few simple steps. 

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St Patrick's Day is on March 17




225g Unsalted butter, softened

Soft dark brown sugar

4 Large eggs, beaten

275g Self-raising flour, sifted

4 Tablespoons of cocoa powder

1 Teaspoon baking powder


A pinch of salt


75g Unsalted butter, softened

75g Icing sugar

75g Soft dark brown sugar

2 Tablespoons of cocoa powder

2 Tablespoons of GUINNESS


150g Plain chocolate

75ml Sour cream

75ml Double cream

4 Tablespoons of soft dark-brown sugar


Preheat the oven to 190°C. Grease two 20cm cake tins and set aside.

For the sponge cake cream the butter and sugar together until fluffy. It is important the mixture is beaten well so the dark brown sugar breaks down. Mix in the beaten eggs a little at a time.

Fold in the flour, cocoa, baking powder and a pinch of salt whilst pouring in the GUINNESS at the same time.

Spoon the mixture into the cake tins and bake for 30 minutes. Once baked place the cakes onto a wire rack and leave to cool.

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Chocolate Guinness cake recipe: Combine the two ingredients for a tasty creation

To make the buttercream filling, beat the butter with the icing sugar and dark brown sugar until fluffy. Once fluffy mix in the cocoa and GUINNESS.

For the sour cream icing, break the chocolate into small pieces and melt in a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Once the chocolate has melted add the additional icing ingredients. Stir together and then take off the heat and leave to cool.

Finally, spread buttercream icing on top of one of the cakes and place the other cake on top. Finally, pour the sour cream icing over the cake so it covers the top.

Drink responsibly. Visit for the facts. 

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