Bile duct cancer symptoms: Eight signs of the deadly disease you need to watch out for

BILE duct cancer is a rare form of cancer but it’s important to recognise all the signs as soon as possible, for in the later stages of the disease no cure is possible. There are eight signs to look out for.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

University of Edinburgh trial new Bile duct cancer treatment

Bile duct cancer symptoms usually don’t show until the cancer has grown large enough to block the bile ducts.

Bile ducts are small but long tubes that carry bile (fluid produced by the liver) from the liver to the small intestine for digestion.

If the disease is caught early on it can sometimes be cured. But it’s often not picked up until later stages when a cure isn’t possible.

So it’s important to recognise bile duct cancer symptoms as soon as possible. The NHS outlines eight problems that can occur when the bile ducts are blocked by a tumour.

Bile duct cancer symptoms usually don’t show until the cancer has grown large enough to block the bile ducts

These include:

  • Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice)
  • Pale stools and dark urine
  • High temperature (fever) of 38C or above
  • Itchy skin
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Persistent tiredness and feeling unwell
  • Tummy (abdominal) pain and swelling - some people feel a dull ache in the upper right hand side of their tummy
  • Chills and shivering

The health body advises: “See your GP if you have resistant symptoms that you’re worried about - particularly if you have jaundice.

“These symptoms can have a number of causes, so it’s important to get a proper diagnosis.”

The outlook for bile duct cancer depends on the growth of the cancer and which part of the bile duct has been affected.

If it’s possible to remove the cancer, there’s still a chance it could return.

Bile duct cancer symptoms: Eight signs of the deadly disease you need to watch out for

Bile duct cancer symptoms: There are right signs of the deadly disease you need to watch out for (Image: GETTY)

What causes bile duct cancer?

It’s cause is not yet certain but a number of factors have been found that increase the risk of the cancer developing.

Bupa says age is a risk factor, with he disease being more common around the age of 65.

Cholangitis with or without ulcerative colitis - inflammation in the bile ducts -choledochal cysts, and chronic gall stones can also raise the risk.

Exposure to certain chemicals used in the metal or rubber industry, infection with a parasite called the liver fluke - found in South Asia and Africa - and smoking have also been found to be risk factors.

Bile duct cancer symptoms: Eight signs of the deadly disease you need to watch out for

Bile duct cancer symptoms: Chills and shivering is one of the signs (Image: GETTY)

Bile duct cancer symptoms: Eight signs of the deadly disease you need to watch out for

Bile duct cancer symptoms: Itchy skin is another indicator of the disease (Image: GETTY)

How is bile duct cancer treated?

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with the disease, your doctor will be able to advise the best treatment and care for you.

Surgery and removing the cancer is the best chance of curing it, and chemotherapy and radiotherapy may also be offered.

But the type of treatment you have will depend on what stage the cancer is at and how fast it’s growing.

A common type of cancer among men is prostate cancer and the majority of its symptoms are linked to urination. 

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