High blood pressure: Seven ways to prevent the condition developing

HIGH blood pressure is a serious condition that can affect anyone, but if left untreated it can lead to complications such as cardiovascular disease and kidney disease. There are seven ways to prevent the condition developing.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

High blood pressure: NHS doctor explains causes

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, rarely has noticeable symptoms making the condition difficult to identify. The only way to find out if your blood pressure is high is have it checked.

The exact cause is uncertain but a number of factors have been known to raise the risk of the condition developing, such as a family history of high blood pressure and being of African or Caribbean origin.

These risk factors for high blood pressure you cannot change, but others such as lack of exercise and being overweight or obese are modifiable.

So the condition can often be prevented or a reading can be reduced by eating healthily, maintaining a healthy weight, taking regular exercise, drinking alcohol in moderation and not smoking, according to the NHS.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, rarely has noticeable symptoms making the condition difficult to identify

Healthy diet

The health body advises: “Cut down on the amount of salt in your food and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

“Salt raises your blood pressure. The more salt you eat, the higher your blood pressure. Aim to eat less than 6g (0.2oz) of salt a day which is about a teaspoonful.

“Eating a low-fat diet that includes lots of fibre - such as wholegrain rice, bread and pasta - and plenty of fruit and vegetables also helps lower blood pressure. Aim to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.”

Limit your alcohol intake

Regularly drinking alcohol above the recommended levels can raise your blood pressure reading over time.

High blood pressure: Seven ways to prevent the condition developing

High blood pressure: There are seven ways to prevent the condition developing (Image: GETTY)

The health body recommends: “Men and women not to regularly drink more than 14 units a week.

“Spread your drinking over three days or more if you drink as much as 14 units a week.”

Lose weight

Being overweight forces your heart to work harder to pump blood around your body, which can raise your blood pressure, the NHS explains.

Get active

Regular exercise lowers blood pressure by keeping your heart and blood vessels in good condition.

High blood pressure: Seven ways to prevent the condition developing

High blood pressure: Limiting your alcohol intake can prevent the condition (Image: GETTY)

High blood pressure: Seven ways to prevent the condition developing

High blood pressure: Losing excess weight can also help lower your reading (Image: GETTY)

The health body adds: “Regular exercise can also help you lose weight, which will also help lower your blood pressure.

“Adults should do at least 150 minutes (two hours and 30minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity such as cycling or fast walking every week.

“Physical activity can include anything from sport to walking and gardening.”

Cut down on caffeine

The NHS says: “Drinking more than four cups of coffee a day may increase your blood pressure.

“If you're a big fan of coffee, tea or other caffeine-rich drinks, such as cola and some energy drinks, consider cutting down.”


Smoking, like high blood pressure, will cause your arteries to narrow, so if you smoke and have high blood pressure your arteries will narrow much more quickly, and your risk of heart or lung disease in the future is dramatically increased.

A good night’s sleep

Long-term sleep deprivation is associated with a rise in blood pressure so you should try and get at least six hours of sleep a night.

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