Iron deficiency symptoms: Eight signs you could need to start taking supplements

IRON deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder worldwide. Eight symptoms indicate you need to increase your intake of the mineral and you may need to take iron supplements.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Doctor advises what to eat to help an iron deficiency

Iron deficiency, medically referred to as iron deficiency anaemia, is caused by lack of iron. This can lead to lack of adequate healthy red blood cells in the body which is vital for healthy function of the body.

The mineral is not only essential for the production of healthy red blood cells but is also involved with the immune system, energy production, DNA synthesis and muscle function.

Findings from the latest UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) carried out earlier this year showed that adult women and teenagers are most at risk of not getting enough.

But how do you know if you’re iron deficient? There are eight symptoms to watch out for, according to Healthspan head of nutrition Rob Hobson.

Iron deficiency can lead to lack of adequate health red blood cells in the body

The symptoms of iron deficiency include:

  • Unusual weakness and fatigue
  • Poor concentration
  • Pale complexion
  • Brittle nails
  • Muscle soreness
  • Recurrent infections
  • Always feeling cold
  • Breathlessness

Rob explained: “If your levels of iron drop below a certain level than you can develop a condition called anaemia, which mostly affects women.

“If you think you may be at risk then the first course of action is to visit your GP who can run a blood test to assess your status.

“If your levels are too low, you will be advised to increase your intake of iron-rich foods and take an iron supplement, such as Healthspan Iron Care.”

The recommended daily intake of iron for adult men is 8.7mg. Women have a higher requirement for iron and a recommended daily intake of 14.8mg to account for menstrual blood loss.

Iron deficiency symptoms: Eight signs you need to up your intake and take supplements

Iron deficiency symptoms: Eight indicate you may need to take more supplements (Image: GETTY)

Focusing on your diet is the best strategy to insure you get everything your body needs.

If you’re food intake is restricted because of illness or to lose weight, then it’s important to make sure the food you do eat is nutritionally dense containing a high quantity of vitamins and minerals including iron.

Rob said: “Iron occurs in two forms found in both animals and plant foods. Haem iron is found in animal foods such as red meat, offal (liver, kidneys, heart), poultry, eggs and seafood such as mussels and canned sardines.

“Non-haem iron is found naturally in plants foods such as beans, pulses, dark green leafy vegetables, oats, quinoa, tofu and nuts.

“Other surprisingly good sources of non-haem iron are dried herbs and spices that can be added to many dishes.

Iron deficiency symptoms: Eight signs you need to up your intake and take supplements

Iron deficiency symptoms: Muscle soreness is one of the signs to watch out for (Image: GETTY)

Iron deficiency symptoms: Eight signs you need to up your intake and take supplements

Iron deficiency symptoms: Always feeling cold is also a tell-tale sign (Image: GETTY)

“White flour is fortified with iron in the UK as are foods such as breakfast cereals and together these account for a significant proportion of the nation’s intake.”

If you’re following a diet that eliminates certain foods, then it’s important to make up for lost nutrients with other foods that contain them.

Supplements are a useful way to insure your intake of iron or re-establish levels if they fall too low.

Rob advises that you can increase the absorption of iron from plant foods.

He said: “Combine them with foods that are rich in vitamin C such as fruit juice, berries, red pepper or cauliflower.

“Avoid drinking tea with meals or shortly after as it contains compounds called tannins that bind with iron and inhibit its absorption.

“Compounds called phytates found in wholegrain foods, beans (especially soya beans) and pulses can also impact on iron absorption, but this is really only a concern for people with particularly low iron stores. Eating plenty of iron in your diet can account for the presence of phytates in the diet.”

Calcium deficiency, also known as hypocalcemia, may not cause any symptoms at first, but as the condition develops, signs may begin to show. 

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