Prostate cancer symptoms: This sign in the hips could signal the deadly disease

PROSTATE cancer symptoms are not always apparent in the early stages because they usually don’t show until the tumour has grown and put pressure on other parts of the body. But when signs do begin to show, one to be wary of is in the hips.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Prostate cancer: What are the signs and symptoms?

Prostate cancer symptoms usually develop slowly and can also go unnoticed for many years.

They begin to show when the cancer grows and puts pressure on the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the penis.

When this happens, symptoms such as needing to pee more frequently and blood in urine can begin to show.

If you experience any of the symptoms your first port of all should be to see your doctor. So what other, less obvious signs should you be wary of?

Prostate cancer symptoms usually develop slowly and can also go unnoticed for many years

One, which could be mistaken for less serious conditions, is pain in the hips.

This can be one of the first symptoms of prostate cancer, according to Macmillan Cancer Support, but only tends to be apparent for a small number of men.

It explains: “This is because prostate cancer can sometimes spread to the bones.

“Although there are many other reasons for this kind of pain, it’s a good idea to let your GP know about any pain you haven’t experienced before.”

When cancer spreads to other parts of the body this is known as advanced prostate cancer.

Symptoms related to a secondary cancer will depend on which part of the body it affects.

Prostate cancer symptoms: This sign in the hips could signal the deadly disease

Prostate cancer symptoms: A particular sign in the hips could signal the deadly disease (Image: GETTY)

But three general signs are:

  • Being more tired than usual
  • Generally feeling unwell
  • Having less of an appetite

Cancer Research UK explains: “These symptoms can also be caused by other medical conditions so might not be a sign that the cancer has spread.

“The most common place for prostate cancer to spread to is the bones. It can also spread to the lymph nodes, liver and lungs and other soft tissues of the body.

“A large tumour in the prostate gland can spread into or press on areas around the prostate, such as the back passage or urethra.”

If cancer has spread to the bones, the most common symptom is bone pain that feels like a full ache or stabbing pain.

Prostate cancer symptoms: This sign in the hips could signal the deadly disease

Prostate cancer symptoms usually don't show in the early stages (Image: GETTY)

Prostate cancer symptoms: This sign in the hips could signal the deadly disease

Prostate cancer symptoms: Needing to urinate more frequently is another indicator (Image: GETTY)

If cancer has spread to the liver you may feeling discomfort or pain on the right side of your tummy, feel sick, experience poor appetite and weight loss, itchy skin and a swollen tummy.

Cancer which has spread to the lung may result in a cough that doesn’t go away, breathlessness, ongoing chest infections and coughing up blood.

Many men could confuse an enlarged prostate with one of the symptoms of prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer can sometimes be mistaken for an enlarged prostate - medically referred to as benign prostatic enlargement.

If the prostate becomes enlarged, it can place pressure on the bladder and urethra, affecting how you pee, making some symptoms of an enlarged prostate similar to prostate cancer. 

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