Best supplements for sleep: Take this supplement before bed to ensure a good night’s rest

BEST supplements for sleep: Getting a good night’s sleep each night is very important as it can have a big impact on a person’s health. Taking a certain vitamin before bed each night has been proven to help with sleep deprivation.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Doctor explains the benefits of vitamin B6

Supplements are recommended by a host of health experts these days to help with conditions from joint pain to bloating.

Research has also demonstrated how supplements can help when it comes to sleep deprivation.

If sleepless nights happen on a regular basis you can be at increased risk of serious medical conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

The supplement recommended for sleep is B6, which is also known as pyridoxine.

The supplement recommended for sleep is B6, which is also known as pyridoxine

Holland & Barrett says: “It’s well known that B vitamins play an important role in supporting our nervous system.

“Vitamin B6 benefits the body by converting the amino acid tryptophan into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate levels of the sleep hormone melatonin.

“Research by the University of Adelaide in 2018 supports a link between B6 and a good night’s rest. Those who took a supplement before bed reported better quality of sleep and feeling more refreshed on waking.

“The fact that the vitamin also appear to ease anxiety and irritability in women with premenstrual syndrome further suggests a calming effect on the body.”

Vitamin B6 can’t be stored in the body, and stress, smoking d drinking alcohol can affect how much is absorbed. So it’s important to make sure you get enough every day.

The high street health shop advises that good sources of B6 include:

  • Bananas
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Cottage cheese
  • Eggs
  • Chickpeas

Best supplements for sleep: Take this supplement before bed to ensure a good night’s rest

Best supplements for sleep: Taking a particular vitamin before bed can ensure a good night's rest (Image: GETTY)

Vitamin B6 in supplement form can also be taken to help keep levels topped up.

Adding more tryptophan and calcium supplements to your diet may help to boost your sleep cycle, revealed Ryvita and nutritionist Rob Hobson.

Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps to make melatonin in the brain.

Melatonin is responsible for controlling the sleep-wake cycle - the amount of time you should be awake or asleep.

Calcium helps the brain to produce the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, just like tryptophan and vitamin B6.

Best supplements for sleep: Take this supplement before bed to ensure a good night’s rest

Best supplements for sleep: Sleep deprivation can have a detrimental impact on a person's health (Image: GETTY)

Best supplements for sleep: Take this supplement before bed to ensure a good night’s rest

Best supplements for sleep: Vitamin B6 can help you get your much-needed slumber (Image: GETTY)

The mineral works together with magnesium to relax muscles, and sedate the nerves.

How much sleep do people need? The National Sleep Foundation recommends an adult between the ages of 26 and 64 should also get seven to nine hours

For older adults (65 years and over) only seven to eight hours sleep is required.

A young adult aged between 18 and 25 should get seven to nine hours sleep a night.

Newborns need 14 to 17 hours sleep, and teenagers need eight to ten hours sleep.

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