Bed bug bites: Where to find the household critters and avoid being bitten

BED BUG bites can cause a nasty reaction in some people, triggering itching for days. Spotting the household pests is key to getting rid of them and avoiding being bitten, but where should you look to find them?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Facts about bed bugs

Bed bug bites can go unnoticed but they very often cause itchy red bumps on the skin.

The bugs can be difficult to spot because of their size and the time of day they emerge.

An adult bed bug only grows up to 5mm a long, about the size of an apple seed, and they tend to crawl out at night when a person is sleeping to bite exposed skin.

So where can you look to find them so you can avoid getting bitten and get rid of them?

Bed bugs hide themselves in mattresses, within bed frames, under bed bases, within bed headboards and behind loose wallpaper

According to UK local council websites, bed bugs hide themselves in mattresses, within bed frames, under bed bases, within bed headboards, behind loose wallpaper, within paintings, wall sockets and telephones.

They can also be found behind wall partitioning, suspended ceilings, skirting boards, on clothing or furnishings, and anywhere with a dark crack, crevice, seam providing harbourage.

There are six signs of a bed bug infestation, according to the NHS.

These are:

  • Small bugs or tiny white eggs in the crevices and joints of your mattress and furniture
  • Bites on your skin
  • Tiny black spots on your mattress - this could be their dried poo
  • Mottled bedbug shells - bedbugs shed their skin as they grow
  • Blood spots on your sheets - these can occur if you squash a bug after is has fed
  • An unpleasant, musty scent in your bedroom

Bed bug bites: Where to find the household pest and avoid being bitten

Bed bug bites: Where can you find them in your house? (Image: GETTY)

The health body adds: “Bedbugs tend to prefer fabric or wood over plastic and metal, and often hide near to where you sleep - for example, under the mattress or along the headboard.

“But they can be found any from the bed in other furniture, along the edges of carpets and even behind mirrors or inside smoke alarms.”

But the scent of a bed bug infestation isn’t always unpleasant.

Many people note that a heavy bed bug infestation smells like sweet almond.

You may also be able to spot an infestation by looking at your bites.

Bed bug bites: Where to find the household pest and avoid being bitten

Bed bug bites: The pests can be under bed bases and behind loose wallpaper (Image: GETTY)

Bed bug bites: Where to find the household pest and avoid being bitten

Bed bug bites tend to appear in a line on the body (Image: GETTY)

Bed bug bites tend to occur in lines across the skin on exposed areas such as the face, neck, hands and arms.

The bites can also cause a rash or fluid-filled blisters in more severe cases.

What to do if you’re bitten

If you’re bitten by bed bugs, the first step is to wash the affected areas with soap and warm water, according to Rentokil.

They can also be relieved by applying an ice pack to reduce the swelling.

The pest control company also recommends: “If you find the itching extremely uncomfortable then you could also take an antihistamine to fight the irritation.”

How can you get rid of a bed bug infestation?

You’ll likely need professional help to eliminate an infestation completely, but there are a number of methods you can carry out yourself in the meantime to help the problem.

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