Pancreatic cancer symptoms: Eight signs you wouldn’t normally associate with the disease

PANCREATIC cancer symptoms often go unnoticed because initially they are vague and non-specific. The most common symptoms include pain around the upper abdomen, but there are eight other signs you need to watch out for.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

This Morning: Dr Zoe explains symptoms of pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer symptoms can be difficult to spot, and many people aren’t able to spot it until the later stages of the disease.

The most common symptoms include upper abdominal pain as well as jaundice, a condition which causes your skin and whites of your eyes to turn yellow.

Losing weight without trying is another common symptom to note.

But there are a range of other symptoms to watch out for, which can be mistaken for less serious health conditions - from feeling sick to bloating. Bupa lists eight.

Many people aren’t able to spot pancreatic cancer until the later stages of the disease

These include:

  • Feeling sick or vomiting
  • Feeling extremely tired
  • Losing your appetite - anorexia
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Pain when you eat
  • Bloating
  • Changes in your bowel movements, such as constipation or diarrhoea
  • Fatty stools, or stalls that float or smell foul

Pancreatic cancer symptoms: Eight signs you wouldn’t normally associate with the disease

Pancreatic cancer symptoms: There are eight signs for you to watch out for (Image: GETTY)

The NHS advises: “It’s important to remember that symptoms can be caused by many different conditions, and aren’t usually the result of cancer.

“But you should contact your GP if you’re concerned, or if these symptoms start suddenly.”

The cause of pancreatic cancer is not yet fully understood, but a number of risk factors have been associated with the disease.

These are age, with people aged 50 to 80 mainly being affected, being very overweight, and smoking. Around one in three cases are associated with using cigarettes, cigars or chewing tobacco.

Having a history of certain health conditions, such as diabetes, can also increase the risk.

Pancreatic cancer symptoms: Eight signs you wouldn’t normally associate with the disease

Pancreatic cancer symptoms: Bloating can be a tell-tale sign (Image: GETTY)

Pancreatic cancer symptoms: Eight signs you wouldn’t normally associate with the disease

Pancreatic cancer symptoms: Feeling extremely tired can also be an indicator (Image: GETTY)

The condition has the lowest survival rate of all 20 common cancers, including lung and breast cancer, according to the Office for National Statistics.

Changing your diet to lose weight could reduce your chance of developing the condition

The American Cancer Society says: “Getting to and staying at a healthy weight might also help lower your risk.

"While the effects of getting physical activity and eating well on pancreatic cancer risk are not as clear, both of these can help you stay at a healthy weight.”

The Society recommends consuming foods and beverages in recommended amounts to lose weight.

“Eat a healthy diet with an emphasis on plant foods. This includes at least two and a half cups of vegetables and fruits every day.”

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