Stomach bloating: Nine foods to avoid if you get a bloated tummy and gas after eating

STOMACH bloating is a common digestive problem which often occurs after eating. Certain foods can be bloat-inducing and create gas in the abdomen, so what should you be avoiding?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Doctor Oz explains top causes of stomach bloating

Stomach bloating is often a result of excess and trapped wind which comes from eating certain foods.

It’s estimated more than five litres of gas is produced in the gut each day.

Other causes of bloating can include the body retaining fluid or the stomach struggling to digest certain foods.

There are nine foods which are known for making bloating worse, and A.Vogel advises cutting down on these.

Stomach bloating is often a result of excess and trapped wind which comes from eating certain foods

Foods you should be wary about eating if you want to reduce or get rid of bloating are:

Fizzy drinks (including fizzy water) as they contain a lot of carbonated gas.

Sugary drinks - high levels of sugars will encourage gut bacteria to produce more gas.

‘Diet drinks’ contain sugar substitutes such as sorbitol and also leads to an increase in production of gas as the body cannot absorb these well .

Dark beers or real ales.

Vegetables are good for you, but avoid Brussel sprouts, leek, onions, turnips, cabbage and beans.

Stomach bloating: Nine foods to avoid if you get a bloated tummy and gas after eating

Stomach bloating: There are nine foods you should avoid if you get a bloated tummy after eating (Image: GETTY)

Fatty foods, particularly if your bloating after eating is due to indigestion or acid reflux.

If you are intolerant to certain foods such as lactose, avoid them.

Avoid dairy cream or dishes made with lots of the stuff, even if you are not lactose intolerant.

Avoid using straws, drinking from bottles or chewing gum as they can introduce an excessive amount of air into your digestive system.

But the herbal remedies company adds there are certain foods you can eat to help.

Stomach bloating: Nine foods to avoid if you get a bloated tummy and gas after eating

Stomach bloating: Avoid drinking dark beers to reduce bloating (Image: GETTY)

Stomach bloating: Nine foods to avoid if you get a bloated tummy and gas after eating

Stomach bloating: Brussels sprouts can promote bloating (Image: GETTY)

It recommends:

  • Live, natural yoghurt
  • If you are constipated, foods rich in fibre as well as prunes can help
  • If you suffer from IBS, drink peppermint tea

Some experts recommend taking supplements to help with bloating.

Dr Sarah Brewer, medical director of Healthspan, recommends three - probiotics, peppermint oil and artichoke

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