Testicular health: Dr Chris shows how to check for lumps on Love Island's Chris Hughes

TESTICULAR health is extremely important as many problems with the testicles can result in infertility. You check your testicles at home using a simple procedure, which Dr Chris Steele demonstrated on Love Island’s Chris Hughes during his appearance on This Morning.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

This Morning: Chris Hughes receives a testicular examination

Testicular cancer is one of the most serious health conditions concerning the testicles, but it is easily treatable. A whopping 68 per cent of men don’t know how to examine their testicles properly though, meaning many people’s symptoms are being ignored. Love Island’s Chris Hughes, 25, appeared on ITV's This Morning to share his testicular health scare story. TV doctor Dr Chris then gave a demonstration on how to check your testicles correctly.

Dr Chris said it’s important to note the signs of testicular cancer because 97 per cent of cases are curable

Chris explained: “When I was 14 I used to have a lot of baths. I noticed a build-up of veins which is known as a varicocele.”

A varicocele is an enlargement of the veins within the loose bag of skin that holds your testicles.

It’s a common cause of low sperm production and decreased sperm quality, which can cause infertility.

Luckily Chris went to see his doctor and underwent three operations.

He then spoke about his cousin’s testicular cancer scare - how the initial symptoms of testicular cancer weren’t picked up, and how this developed into secondary cancer of the stomach.

Dr Chris said it’s important to note all the signs of testicular cancer because a surprising 97 per cent of cases are curable.

Testicular health: Dr Chris shows how to check for lumps on Love Island's Chris Hughes

Testicular health: Dr Chris demonstrated how to check for lumps on Chris Hughes (Image: ITV/GETTY)

He added: “But men don’t know what’s normal, what’s abnormal.”

How to carry out a testicular check at home:

The first step, according to Dr Chris, is to have a hot shower or a bath before examining yourself. This is because warm testicles hang down lower.

Next, look in the mirror and ask yourself ‘does one side look the same as the other?’. In many cases the left side hangs lower than the other.

Then place your fingers behind the testicles and place your thumb at the front.

Testicular health: Dr Chris shows how to check for lumps on Love Island's Chris Hughes

Testicular health: Chris Hughes spoke about his testicular health scare when he was 14 (Image: ITV)

Testicular health: Dr Chris shows how to check for lumps on Love Island's Chris Hughes

Testicular health: The check takes 10 seconds using your thumb (Image: ITV )

Starting at the top, roll your thumb down, going across the testicle. The testicle should feel completely smooth.

If you come across a lump, the size of a pea and quite firm, this is something that needs to be seen by your GP.

Dr Chris said this process takes ten seconds to complete.

On yesterday’s This Morning, Dr Chris revealed the symptoms of carbon monoxide warning

Breathing in small doses can make you ill, but in larger doses it has the potential to kill.

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