Eczema treatment: Young child’s severe skin condition went away after wearing THIS

ECZEMA is a condition that causes skin to become itchy, red, dry and cracked. While creams are recommended by doctors to soothe inflammation, it’s often the case that different treatments work for different patients. For one child, a particular type of clothing helped his distressed skin. But the treatment is now under consultation and could be offered on a limited basis. 

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Eczema: What are the symptoms and treatment

Eczema became a daily struggle for baby Lawrence Goodfellow just weeks after being born. His mother Verity noticed a massive change in his temperament as his skin started to develop a nasty, red and weeping rash. After taking him to their local GP, having no luck at improving symptoms using over-the-counter moisturisers, Lawrence was diagnosed with severe eczema. At first, the GP prescribed Lawrence with a series of steroid creams and a variety of other topical treatments, but to no avail they made little difference to the state of Lawrence’s condition. 

She described it as “putting water on flames” and was overjoyed to find something that began to help her little boy's eczema

Lawrence’s skin worsened and Verity found herself pretty much housebound as she couldn’t dress her baby due to the pain and irritation normal clothing would cause to his skin. 

She also feared his skin would start weeping when out and about and she would have no way of stopping it.

She would stay at home with Lawrence in just a nappy and mitts over his hand to ensure he didn’t scratch his eczema burdened skin.

By the time Lawrence was six months old, Verity felt hopeless and decided to take matters into her own hands, trawling the internet to find a solution. 

Eventually she came across DermaSilk, a range of Medical Grade silk clothing. 

On further investigation Verity discovered that this somewhat pricey item was actually offered on prescription from the NHS.

Verity returned to her GP and was given a prescription for a full set of DermaSilk clothing, which included a body suit, leggings, pyjamas and gloves.

She described it as “putting water on flames” and was overjoyed to find something that began to help her little boy. 

Eczema treatment: Young child’s severe skin condition went away after wearing THIS

Eczema treatment: Young child’s severe skin condition went away after wearing particular clothing (Image: VERITY GOODFELLOW)

Very quickly Lawrence’s symptoms went away and he became the happy and healthy baby she knew he would be.

Now, four years on, Lawrence still wears the pyjamas at night time to ensure his condition is kept at bay. 

DermaStilk is made from knitted sericin-free silk. This ensures it is hypo-allergenic and the kind of the fabric allows air and moisture to pass through it. 

It also has greater ability to absorb and disperse moisture than cotton, making it a natural candidate for an atopic-friendly fabric. 

But in November, NHS England announced a consultation with the view to limiting the prescribing of silk garments for the treatment of eczema on the basis they are ineffective. 

Chris Steeples, managing director of Espere Healthcare, distributors of Dermasilk clothing, stated: “Due to the overwhelming clinical evidence, silk garments have been available on the NHS and have been helping patients improve their symptoms for over 12 years. 

Eczema treatment: Young child’s severe skin condition went away after wearing THIS

Eczema treatment: Young child’s severe skin condition went away after wearing THIS (Image: VERITY GOODFELLOW)

Eczema treatment: Young child’s severe skin condition went away after wearing THIS

Eczema treatment: Lawrence's mum found DermaSilk clothing made a huge difference (Image: VERITY GOODFELLOW)

Eczema treatment: Young child’s severe skin condition went away after wearing THIS

Eczema treatment: DermaSilk clothing is currently available on the NHS (Image: DERMASILK)

“We have carried out various studies on their efficacy, including a two year double blinded, randomised, controlled study which concluded there was a 60 per cent reduction in steroid usage, when adding DermaSilk into the eczema treatment regime of children. 

“Many dermatologists in the UK have routinely used these garments on paediatric and adult patients and seen excellent improvements in a short period of time, reducing overall NHS spend and giving the patient a better quality of life.

“If these products had not been proven to be effective in their clinical practice, then they would have stopped using them years ago.

“In my opinion, reducing the availability of such garments will be a step backwards in the management of eczema, which would inevitably lead to many patient’s symptoms returning and doctors losing a valuable alternative in the management of the awful symptoms of this chronic disease.”

Dr Rupert Mason, who has worked as a GP and clinical assistant in dermatology, added: “In a study lasting two years children wearing DermaSilk were compared to children wearing identically stalled underwear and a record of their topical steroid usage’s recorded for both groups. 

“After two years of almost continuous use the children wearing DermaSilk had used 60 per cent less topical steroids than their cotton wearing counterparts - reflecting a significant drop in flare frequency and severity.” 

In an aim to ensure DermaSilk remains available on prescription, Espere Healthcare Ltd, will be working closely with all stakeholders over the next three months to ensure the decision-making bodies are aware of the effects this type of clothing has on the management of eczema and other chronic conditions.

A NHS spokesperson has advised the decision is still under consultation, and can be found here.  

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