How to live longer: Do vegetarians live longer? The diet secret to long life REVEALED

HOW TO live longer: Eating a healthy, balanced diet has been found to boost longevity because it helps slash the risk of serious health conditions. For a long time a vegetarian diet has been deemed one of the healthiest - but do vegetarians live longer?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Study suggests nuts can help you live LONGER

  • A vegetarian, plant-based diet can signifcantly improve life expectancy.
  • Plant-based diets are full of fibre, which has been found to ward off heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. 
  • Scandanivian's have one of the highest life expectancies in the world, but the Nordic diet does include meat. 

How to live longer is a question many people want to know the answer to, and simple lifestyle changes have been proven to extend life expectancy. As well as regular exercise, being social and not smoking, eating the right foods has been deemed beneficial. A vegetarian diet has a reputation for being one of the healthiest, but do vegetarians actually live longer, or should we be including meat in our diets? Looking at the communities in the world with the longest life expectancies, this who eat a mainly plant-based diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables have been found to live a prosperous existence, say medical consultant Dr Sarah Brewer and dietician Juliette Kellow.

Studies show that diets based mainly on plants can help you live longer

The pair reveal the benefits of a plant-based diet in their book titled ‘Eat better Live Longer’.

They explain: “Studies show that diets based mainly on plants are linked to a reduction in mortality, and from cardiovascular disease especially.”

One of the key ingredients of a plant-based diet is fibre, as only plants contain this vital nutrient.

As well as making it easier to stay a healthy weight, fibre can help lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and bowel complaints, which all contribute to long life.

Heart disease

The ladies write: “Wholegrains - a good source of fibre - are linked to better heart health.

“Soluble fibre helps lower cholesterol, too.”

How to live longer: Do vegetarians live longer? Diet secret to long life REVEALED

How to live longer: Do vegetarians live longer? (Image: GETTY)


They say: “A study in 2013 showed that increasing fibre intake by 7g a day may be associated with a 7 per cent fall in the risk of stroke.”


“Soluble fibre slows sugar absorption into the blood,” they advise.

“Better blood sugar control helps to protect against insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes.”


They say: “According to the World Cancer Research Fund, a high-fibre diet may help to reduce the risk of bowel cancer.”

How to live longer: Do vegetarians live longer? Diet secret to long life REVEALED

How to live longer: A plant-based diet has a number of benefits - preventing heart disease is one (Image: GETTY)

How to live longer: Do vegetarians live longer? Diet secret to long life REVEALED

How to live longer: Scandinavian's, many of which eat meat, also have good life expectancy (Image: GETTY)

Bowel complaints

“Fibre protects against diverticular disease and constipation by helping stools pass quickly,” reveal the pair.

They add: “And it feeds gut bacteria.”

But including meat in your diet has also been found to boost longevity.

Scandinavian’s famously eat meat and countries in this region, such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland, rank highly in the life expectancy stakes

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