Stomach bloating: Five simple ways to stop it happening this Christmas

STOMACH bloating is a common problem that occurs after eating. With office parties, family occasions and Christmas day itself to contend with, the festive season is one of letting go and ultimate indulgence. But, with the season often in full swing for the entire month of December, how can you ensure you don’t go into January feeling bloated and sluggish?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Doctor Oz explains top causes of stomach bloating

Stomach bloating can be caused by a number of things, from constipation to a food intolerance. The reason why our stomach’s bloat is usually due to excess wind, which is created when the digestive system struggles to break down certain foods. Christmas is there to be enjoyed, and while we’re not suggesting you deprive yourself, there are measures you can take to ensure you feel your best during the festivities. Here, Terri Ann Nunns, creator of the Terri Ann 123 Diet Plan, revealed her top tips for beating the Christmas bloat and feeling healthier and happier this festive season.

Drinks with bubbles, such as prosecco, champagne and lager might make you feel merry, but the gas in these drinks can leave you in discomfort if you’re prone to bloating

Terri Ann Nunns, creator of the Terri Ann 123 Diet Plan

Ditch the fizz

It’s the booziest time of the year and while we’re not suggesting you give up alcohol altogether, there are swaps you can make that will help to prevent that bloated, sluggish feeling, says Terri Ann.

She explained: “Drinks with bubbles, such as prosecco, champagne and lager might make you feel merry, but the gas in these drinks can leave you in discomfort if you’re prone to bloating.

“Try to limit your intake of these drinks to one a day, and swap to spirits such as vodka and gin with tonic or soda water or a glass of red wine instead.”

Banish the Brussel sprouts

If you’re prone to digestive issues such as bloating, the food on your plate might be to blame.

Terri Ann said: “Some carbohydrates, including fruit and vegetables, can be hard for people to digest properly, leading to symptoms such as bloating, gas and stomach pain.

“This includes vegetables commonly seen in your Christmas dinner such as Brussel sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli. However, it’s important not to swear off vegetables completely.

“If you commonly suffer from bloating, switch up your Christmas veg to include carrots, spinach or courgette instead.”

Stomach bloating: Five simple ways to avoid the Christmas bloat this festive season

Stomach bloating: There are some simple ways to avoid the Christmas bloat this festive season (Image: GETTY)

Make a cuppa

If you’re experiencing the discomfort of bloating, the symptoms should ease after a bit of time.

But Terri Ann adds: “Help ease bloating further by making yourself a cup of tea – peppermint has soothing qualities that can help reduce inflammation and ease stomach cramps, while ginger tea contains a compound called gingerol which can help stop bloating.

“A sore stomach is also the perfect excuse for a hot bath – the heat can provide pain relief, and a bit of relaxation could help your digestive system to function more effectively, which in turn can help ease your bloating.”

Have one cheat day

Christmas might be all about indulgence, but the problems start when Christmas becomes a month-long celebration rather than just one day.

Terri Ann advises: “Instead of seeing the whole of December as a write off, try to stick to healthy habits for the month leading up to the big day, and then let yourself have Christmas Day as a day where you let yourself truly indulge.

Stomach bloating: Five simple ways to avoid the Christmas bloat this festive season

Stomach bloating: Drinks with bubbles can leave you in discomfort if you're prone to bloating (Image: GETTY)

Stomach bloating: Five simple ways to avoid the Christmas bloat this festive season

Stomach bloating: Drinking peppermint tea can help reduce inflammation (Image: GETTY)

“Instead of spending the time between Christmas and New Year on the sofa, why not try to get the family out for some festive walks, or cooking up some healthy Christmas treats with your leftovers?

“Starting healthier habits after Christmas Day will make the start of January much more bearable.”

Eat mindfully

We’re all guilty of having eyes that are bigger than our stomachs, especially with all that delicious Christmas food on the table, says Terri Ann.

But be wary be wary of diving in and piling your plate high with food that you might not be able to finish.

She added: “Try to eat slowly and mindfully, focusing on every bite and savouring your food, as eating quickly can cause you to take in extra air that could cause bloating.

“It’s also easy to overeat if you eat too quickly, as you body doesn’t have time to acknowledge the feelings of fullness that tell you to stop.

“Start off with a small portion and go back for seconds if you’re still feeling hungry - you’ll be much less likely to overeat and feel sluggish and bloated as a result.”

Supplements have been found to aid a variety of health problems, including bloating.

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