Eczema treatment: The one remedy that may be hiding in your kitchen cupboard

ECZEMA treatment can differ from person to person - what might work for one person may not necessarily work for the other. To soothe a rash or dry skin it’s important to retain moisture and keep skin feeling hydrated. One way of doing this could be to use a product you most likely have stored away in your kitchen.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Eczema: What are the symptoms and treatment

Eczema is a condition that can affect any part of the body and causes itchy, dry, cracked and sore skin. It most often occurs on the hands, the insides of the elbows, backs of the knees and the face and scalp, and is usually triggered by cold and damp weather. While your GP may offer you topical creams and antihistamines to stop itching and soothe inflamed skin, these treatments don’t always work for everyone.

Sunflower oil can help the skin retain moisture which is essential in eczema recovery

For many people natural remedies are the way forward and they don’t have to be costly either.

National Eczema Association advises sunflower oil can boost the skin’s barrier function, which can help retain moisture - essential in order for skin to recover from eczema symptoms.

It adds: “It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

“Apply sunflower oil to adult skin twice a day, with one of those times being shortly after bathing while skin is still wet.

“Avoid using sunflower oil if you have a known allergy to sunflower seeds.”

The eczema expert says the first steps to considering any treatment is to understand what triggers your eczema.

Eczema treatment: The one remedy that may be hiding in your kitchen cupboard

Eczema treatment: A remedy to soothe your skin may be sitting in your kitchen cupboard (Image: GETTY)

It advises: “Learning about the irritants in your everyday surroundings can help you better manage the condition whether you use traditional medications, alternative therapies or both.”

Is applying creams or oils doesn’t work you may want to consider taking a natural supplements.

High street health store Holland and Barrett recommends three supplements to soothe symptoms of eczema.


Research has found that turmeric, an Ayurvedic (Indian medicine with historic roots) can lessen eczema symptoms.

It explains: “Several studies have shown a significant improvement in the severity of the effects of skin disease in people with turmeric.

“One 2015 study from Pakistan found that topical formulations containing turmeric eased itchiness, swelling and redness in eczema patients.

Eczema treatment: The one remedy that may be hiding in your kitchen cupboard

Eczema treatment: National Eczema Association recommends applying sunflower oil to skin (Image: GETTY)

Eczema treatment: The one remedy that may be hiding in your kitchen cupboard

Eczema treatment: Some experts recommend supplements to help sore skin recover (Image: GETTY)

“Turmeric can be taken in powder, capsule or tablet forms and even in tea, and of course you can use turmeric as a delicious spice for your food.

“Daily doses of three to four grams have been used in eczema research studies, with positive results.”


People with eczema often have significantly lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids, according to the heath store.

It adds: “Increasing omega-3 in the diet can help reduce inflammation in the body and significantly improve the symptoms of itchy skin.”

Vitamin E

As well as helping protect cells against free radicals, the vitamin contribute to a healthy immune system.

It says: “In a study of schoolchildren, those with the highest level of vitamin E-related compounds in their blood experienced 67 per cent less risk of eczema and asthma than children with the lowest levels.”

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