Dementia care: The one activity you need to do in old age proven to protect the brain

DEMENTIA is a term used to describe a range of progressive diseases that affect the brain. There is currently no cure, but a new study has revealed one way to prevent the condition developing.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Dementia tends to affect people in old age and can cause symptoms such as memory loss, mental sharpness and quickness, mood and difficulty carrying out daily activities. There are four main types - Alzheimer’s disease, lewy body dementia, vascular dementia and frontotemporal dementia. While there’s no cure, some experts believed there are ways the condition can be prevented. Researchers in the US have found that older adults who are more physically active in later life have better memory and thinking skills.

Dementia: Older adults who move more than average may maintain more of their memory and thinking skills

A study by Rush University Medical Centre, published today in Neurology, suggests that older adults who move more than average - either in the form of daily exercise or just routine physical activity such as housework - may maintain more of their memory and thinking skills than people who are less active than average.

This was found to be the case even if a person has brain lesions or biomarkers linked to dementia.

Dr David Reynolds, Chief Scientific Officer at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said:

“Keeping physically active has been linked to a range of health benefits including better cognitive health and a lower risk of dementia, but we don’t understand the biological mechanisms that explain how physical activity could limit a decline in memory and thinking.

“While some previous research suggests that exercise could reduce the development of brain changes involved in diseases like Alzheimer’s, this study found that physical activity was linked to better memory and thinking skills even when the researchers took Alzheimer’s brain changes into account.”

One possible explanation for these findings, suggests Dr Reynolds, is that people with worse memory and thinking skills simply tend to be less active.

He added: “The best way to establish cause and effect in this relationship is with carefully controlled long-term trials that are designed to sift out the effects of exercise from the myriad of other factors that could affect brain function over time.

Dementia care: The one activity you need to do in old age proven to protect the brain

Dementia care: One activity in particular in old age has been proven to protect the brain (Image: GETTY)

“Alzheimer’s Research UK is now funding work to see how feasible it is for people in midlife to take up exercise as part of a healthier lifestyle, with a view to larger trials that assess the effect on brain health.”

“The best current evidence indicates, in addition to staying physically active, not smoking, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol, only drinking in moderation, eating a balanced diet, and staying mentally active are linked to better brain health as we age.”

Dr James Pickett, Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Society, also commented: “The link between exercising and lowering your risk is becoming more and more established, but the question we need to answer now is how to help people incorporate more activity into their daily lives.

“This is why we have campaigned hard to have NHS mid-life health checks include recommendations on dementia risk reduction.

“For anyone concerned about keeping their brains healthy in later life, we encourage eating a balanced diet, avoiding smoking and excessive drinking, and getting that step count up.”

Dementia care: The one activity you need to do in old age proven to protect the brain

Dementia care: Moving more in old age can reduce the risk of the condition developing (Image: GETTY)

Dementia care: The one activity you need to do in old age proven to protect the brain

Dementia care: Another study has shown napping in the day could mean you're at increased risk (Image: GETTY)

Last week, a new study suggested day naps cold mean you’re more at risk of dementia

Scientists in the research found those who like a daytime snooze tended to have more tau proteins that form tangles in the brain, causing dementia - tau proteins are proteins found in neutrons of the central nervous system.

They also found a lack of deep sleep fuels rogue proteins in the brain that destroy neutrons, say scientists.

The study of more than 100 older people found those not getting enough “quality” shut-eye also had more tau, leading to memory loss and confusion.

It could lead to nocturnal habits being monitored to help identify patients most at risk of the devastating condition.

In particular it is deep, restorative slow wave sleep (SWS) that is essential. This declines naturally as we age - in men from their mid 30s and women during their 50s.

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