Best supplements for the brain: The essential nutrient needed to boost cognitive function

BEST supplements for the brain: It’s important to keep the brain in optimum health as it controls how the body functions. The key to brain health is eating a healthy diet, but in particular, a certain nutrient.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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The brain needs to be nourished in order for it to function properly is it’s important to eat the right foods. Vitamins, minerals and nutrients hold a host of different benefits for different parts of the body, but when it comes to the brain, one nutrient proven vital is choline.

When it comes to the brain, one nutrient proven vital is choline

It may not be as well-recognised as vitamin C or calcium, but choline is just as important to your wellbeing, according to Holland & Barrett.

It explains: “Choline is not technically a vitamin, but it is often grouped together with the B vitamins. It is an essential nutrient, though, which means our bodies need it to function normally.

“There are many benefits of choline. We need choline to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which helps with memory, mood and cognitive function, making it an essential brain food.

“A large-scale American study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2011, found that a higher choline intake was linked to better cognitive performance.”

Choline is also important for a healthy liver and for maintaining our nervous system.

In 2016, the European Food Safety Authority set the daily adequate intake for choline at 400mg for adults.

Best supplements for the brain: The essential nutrient needed to boost cognitive function

Best supplements for the brain: An essential nutrient is needed to boost cognitive function (Image: GETTY)

While it is available in supplement form, choline can be found in a range of different foods.

According to experts at Healthline, the richest dietary sources of choline include:

  • Beef liver
  • Chicken liver
  • Eggs
  • Fresh cod
  • Salmon

High street health store Holland & Barrett offer some vegetarian alternatives:

  • Wheatgerm (toasted)
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Broccoli
  • Peanut butter
  • Cauliflower
  • Soybeans
  • Flaxseeds

Best supplements for the brain: The essential nutrient needed to boost cognitive function

Best supplements for the brain: Eggs are a good source of choline (Image: GETTY)

Best supplements for the brain: The essential nutrient needed to boost cognitive function

Best supplements for the brain: Peanut butter is a good vegetarian source of choline (Image: GETTY)

Another mineral vital for brain health is omega-3 fatty acid.

A whopping 60 per cent of your brain is composed of fats, and omega-3 fatty acid makes up almost half of them.

Also known as DHA, omega-3 fatty acid keeps cell membranes flexible, and works hand-in-had with EPA to help blood flow.

Omega-3 is especially beneficial to the brain, as it helps keep it young.

B vitamins also aid brain function and development.

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