Type 2 diabetes: Eat this for breakfast every day to prevent a high blood sugar level

TYPE 2 diabetes is a common condition in the UK which causes a person’s blood sugar level to become too high. One of the best ways to prevent the condition is to eat the right foods. So when it comes to the first meal of the day breakfast, what should you eat?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Diabetes: Common signs and symptoms of type 2

Type 2 diabetes, if left untreated, can lead to a number of more serious health problems, including foot problems and heart attack. But one of the best ways to control blood sugar is to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Keeping sugar, fat and salt to a minimum is strongly advised, and while many like to skip breakfast or don’t have time to eat it, the NHS warns not to skip it.

A healthy, satisfying breakfast can make a big difference to type 2 diabetes

Diabetes UK

So what are the best food choices for you to eat in the morning?

“A healthy, satisfying breakfast can make a big difference,” says Diabetes UK.

“But some traditional breakfast foods are packed with sugar and fats.

“We’ve come up with some simple swaps so you can take charge of your diabetes and ensure you start your day the right way.”

The diabetes charity offers three healthy breakfast choices you should consider.

1. Switch from white toast to wholegrain versions like seeded batch bread, multi-seed, granary, soya and linseed.

It says: “These are better for your diabetes and digestive health. They’re more filling, too.”

Type 2 diabetes: Eat this for breakfast every day to prevent a high blood sugar level

Type 2 diabetes: What should you eat for breakfast to prevent high blood sugar? (Image: GETTY)

2. Instead of jam, try pure fruit spread or mashed banana.

It advises: “Other healthy choices are low-fat cheese, cottage cheese with a couple of fresh chopped dates, or almond butter and chopped banana.”

3. Use as little oil as possible when cooking

It says: “Cook with unsaturated vegetable oils, such as sunflower, olive or rapeseed, instead of butter or ghee.”

You should steer away from having sugary cereal or red meat for breakfast if you want to keep your blood sugar level in check

While some packaging may make some cereals, like granola and cereal clusters, appear healthy, they are often full of sugar and fat.

Type 2 diabetes: Eat this for breakfast every day to prevent a high blood sugar level

Type 2 diabetes: Opt for wholegrain toast over white toast (Image: GETTY)

Type 2 diabetes: Eat this for breakfast every day to prevent a high blood sugar level

Type 2 diabetes: Opt for mashed banana instead of jam on your toast (Image: GETTY)

Instead try switching to porridge oats - just avoid those with added sugar, honey, golden syrup or cocoa powder.

Wheat biscuits, shredded wheat or muesli (with no added sugar) are also great alternative. For sweetness add chopped fruit.

Try to avoid red meats, such as sausages and bacon, as their fat and salt content can be high, and instead opt for oil fish such as salmon or kippers.

You should also opt for grilling instead of frying as this cuts down on calories.

Too many calories can result in weight gain, which is a risk factor for the condition.

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