Tom Jones health latest: Why The Voice judge had to cancel five tour dates last year

TOM JONES has a successful career spanning six decades. Now a voice on ITV’s The Voice and about to embark on a UK tour, some may describe the singer as reaching his prime. But why was Sir Tom forced to cancel five tour dates last year?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Tom Jones says he feels 'great' after hip replacement

Tom Jones, 78, kicked off the new year by announcing a handful of UK show dates happening later this year. But the new tour dates come after the singer was forced to cancel five shows last year for reasons relating to his health. It was announced on his Twitter page he was battling a bacterial infection and being treated in hospital. But what exactly did his illness entail?

Tom Jones revealed he was “feeling weak” while on tour

The ‘It’s Not Unusual’ singer revealed he was “feeling weak” while on tour to The Mirror, shortly after his recovery.

He revealed to the publication: “I was on the road and when we got to London, I was feeling weak.

“I wasn’t getting so good and they said, ‘You had better get checked, your blood and everything’.”

The Welsh performer explained how he was in hospital for four days and had “everything checked”.

It was then they discovered he had a viral infection.

He added: “I just didn’t feel good and they said you need antibiotics. So they gave it intravenously and that was it.

Tom Jones health latest: Why The Voice judge had to cancel five tour dates last year

Tom Jones health latest: Why did The Voice judge have to cancer tour dates last year? (Image: GETTY)

“If it had happened at another time, nobody would have taken any notice. I would have gone in for a couple of days and that would have been it. But I had to cancel shows. So that was a big deal.”

But Sir Tom, who has returned for the eighth series of The Voice this year, revealed he feels as “strong as ever” after being hospitalised.

From July this year he’ll be embarking on his UK tour playing in Peterborough, Bristol, Colchester and Dundee.

He also announced on Twitter this week he’d be performing at UK music festival Kendal Calling.

With the announcement he tweeted: “Bring on the summer.”

Tom Jones health latest: Why The Voice judge had to cancel five tour dates last year

Tom Jones health latest: The singer revealed he was hospitalised after a viral infection (Image: GETTY)

Tom Jones health latest: Why The Voice judge had to cancel five tour dates last year

Tom Jones health latest: The Welsh performer is now feeling as "strong as ever" (Image: GETTY)

Examples of infections include bronchitis, chickenpox, glandular fever, measles, mumps, rubella, shingles and tonsillitis.

But arguably two of the most common viral infections are the common cold and flu.

The NHS advises: “The common cold is infectious from a few days before your symptoms appear until all of the symptoms are gone. Most people will be infectious for around two weeks.

“Symptoms are usually worse during the first two to three days, and this is when you’re most likely to spread the virus.

“Flu is usually most infectious from the day your symptoms start and for a further three to seven days,

“Children and people with lowered immune systems may be infectious for a few days longer.”

At the beginning of this year, Sir Tom spoke about ageing and his health - namely his recent hip replacement.

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