How to sleep: Three foods to eat before bed to help you get a good night's sleep

HOW TO sleep: Cold temperatures and stress at work or at home can contribute to a restless night’s sleep. But one way to ensure a disruption-free slumber could be to make some simple changes to your diet. Here are three foods proven to help enhance sleep quality.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Sleep expert explains how to achieve a healthy lifestyle

Sleep is very important for the body and not getting enough can be detrimental to a person’s health. Alongside a bad mood and a lack of focus, lack of sleep can increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and shorten life expectancy, according to the NHS. It’s recommended a person gets around eight hours of good-quality sleep a night. So what can you to make sure you get the sleep you need?

Three foods which have been proven to be sleep inducing are milk, bananas and oatmeal

What you eat can be extremely beneficial in providing good quality sleep, says the National Sleep Foundation .

Three foods which have been proven to be sleep inducing are milk, bananas and oatmeal.


Milk contains the sleep-inducing amino acid tryptophan.

In one study (‘Effect of melatonin-rich night-time milk on sleep and activity in elderly institutionalized subjects’) milk was shown to improve sleep, particularly when taken alongside melatonin and exercise.

Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles and can be found in fruits and vegetables, grains and nuts and seeds.

How to sleep: Three foods to eat before bed to help you get a good night's sleep

How to sleep: Eating certain foods before bed could help you get a good night's sleep (Image: GETTY)


Bananas also contain tryptophan and are a good source of magnesium.

The Sleep Doctor, Michael J. Breus explains the role magnesium plays in sleep on his website: “Maintaining healthy magnesium levels often leads to deeper, more sound sleep.

“Magnesium plays a role in supporting deep, restorative sleep by maintaining healthy levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep.”

How to sleep: Three foods to eat before bed to help you get a good night's sleep

How to sleep: Bananas contain tryptophan which is a sleep-inducing amino acid (Image: GETTY)

How to sleep: Three foods to eat before bed to help you get a good night's sleep

How to sleep: Milk also contains tryptophan as well as melatonin (Image: GETTY)


Oatmeal is high in carbs and has been reported to induce drowsiness when consumed before bed.

An Australian study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found carbs which quickly raise blood sugar may help sleep, particularly when eaten four hours before bedtime.

Oats are also a known source of melatonin.

Researchers have also suggested taking supplements may help sleep - in a particular, a valerian root supplement.

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