Gut warning: Five signs you may need to make this drastic change to your diet

GUT HEALTH is rapidly growing in interested, with a growing body of scientific evidence linking good gut health to things such as mood. Feeling unwell after eating foods with gluten could be a sign you’re intolerant - but what are the symptoms to look out for?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Gut health is an area that many are interested in. With the rise of fermented drinks such as kefir and kombucha, people are constantly looking for ways to up their gut health and keep themselves feeling happy. For those who suffer from coeliac disease, avoidance of gluten is a must. But there’s also a significant proportion of the UK who are sensitive to gluten, reporting that when they eat it they don’t feel good.

A significant proportion of the UK who are sensitive to gluten - reporting that when they eat it they don’t feel good

Genius Gluten Free has helped identify the symptoms to look out for, and when you might benefit from lightening your intake of gluten.

Low mood and fatigue

It says: “The links between digestive issues and feelings of low mood or anxiety are very common and can be linked to serotonin levels.

“90 per cent of your body’s serotonin originates in the gut.”


Inflammation of the gut is one of the most common complaints of people who might be sensitive to gluten, according to the food company.

It adds: “You may experience the feeling of an uncomfortably full stomach - which is not always relative to the amount of food consumed.”

Gut warning: Five signs you may need to make this drastic diet change

Gut warning: Certain symptoms could mean you need to make a drastic diet change (Image: GETTY)

Abdominal pain

It advises: “In addition to feeling bloated you may also feel sharp cramp-like abdominal pain after eating, cutting down your gluten intake, increasing your fibre intake and keeping on top of your water consumption can aid this.”

Irregular bowel movements

It says: “Occasionally getting diarrhoea, constipation and smelly faeces is normal but if this happens regularly it can also be a symptom of gluten intolerance.”

Gut warning: Five signs you may need to make this drastic diet change

Gut warning: Bloating is one of the signs caused by a gluten intolerance (Image: GETTY)

Gut warning: Five signs you may need to make this drastic diet change

Gut warning: Inflammation on the skin could mean you need to switch to gluten-free (Image: GETTY)

Inflammation of the skin

It explains: “Gluten intolerance doesn’t always affect your digestion.

“Regular skin irritations and flair-ups are common among those with an intolerance.”

If you do experience some of the above symptoms you should speak to your GP before making any major dietary changes - there are other reasons you might experience these symptoms.

Genius Gluten Free adds: “Gluten is in many of our common foods, including bread, pasta, pizza, cakes, biscuits and breakfast cereals, so avoiding it can be tricky. Especially in Western diets where we tend to eat gluten for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

“Genius Gluten Free provides an easy way to feel good - by simply swapping your regular bread, rolls, wraps to Genius you will decrease your gluten consumption at the same time as increasing your fibre intake.”

In some cases bloating can be linked to more serious health conditions.

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