High blood pressure: Drinking a certain herbal tea could help lower your reading

HIGH blood pressure can lead to more serious health problems if left untreated, but making some simple changes to what you eat and drink can help keep your reading in check. One drink in particular, proven to lower blood pressure, is a herbal tea that’s popular in Central America and the Caribbean.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

High blood pressure: Doctor explains benefits of hibiscus tea

High blood pressure is considered to be a reading of 140/90mmHg or higher. The lower number is the diastolic pressure - the resistance to the blood flow in the blood vessels - and the higher number is the systolic pressure - the force at which your heart pumps blood around your body. If high blood pressure is left untreated, the arteries can harden and thicken, leading to heart attack, stroke, or other complications. But one way high blood pressure can be prevented or reduced is by eating a healthy diet.

Several studies have demonstrated that hibiscus tea may lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure

Experts recommend cutting down on the amount of salt in food and eating plenty of fruit and vegetables.

Certain food and drink alone have also been found to hold blood pressure lowering qualities - one being hibiscus tea.

Several studies have demonstrated that hibiscus tea may lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

In one study, 65 people with high blood pressure were given hibiscus tea or a placebo.

After six weeks, those who drank hibiscus tea had a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure, compared to the placebo. 

A 2015 review of five studies also found hibiscus tea decreased both systolic and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 7.58mmHg and 3.53mmHg. 

High blood pressure: Drinking this herbal tea could lower your reading

High blood pressure: Drinking a certain herbal tea could lower your reading (Image: GETTY)

While hibiscus tea is considered a safe and natural way to lower blood pressure, it’s important to note some studies have shown it may interact with hydrochlorothiazide - a diuretic medication often used to treat high blood pressure. 

Another drink which has been found to have blood pressure lowering traits is beetroot juice

In a 2015 study, researchers found drinking red beet juice led to lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure, after they drank around one cup of the juice every day for four weeks. 

Positive effects were also noted within 24 hours of having the juice.

Participants who drank one cup of the beet juice every day had an average drop in blood pressure of around 8/4 millimetres of mercury (mmHg).

For many, this change brought their blood pressure within the normal range.

High blood pressure: Drinking this herbal tea could lower your reading

High blood pressure: Hibiscus tea has been found to have blood pressure lowering effects (Image: GETTY)

High blood pressure: Drinking this herbal tea could lower your reading

High blood pressure: Beetroot juice has also been found to lower blood pressure (Image: GETTY)

The researchers suggested beets’ high levels of inorganic nitrate causes the reduction in blood pressure.

One food which has proven effective at lowering high blood pressure is the potato

Linda Van Horn, a professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, says eating potatoes can help lower blood pressure.

The reason potatoes have been proven effective at lowering high blood pressure is because of their potassium content.

According to Prof Van Horn, people with high blood pressure should aim for 2,000 to 4,000mg of potassium a day.

The key mineral helps to lower blood pressure by balancing out the negative effects of salt, says Blood Pressure UK.

Alongside diet changes, certain exercises are recommended to help lower high blood pressure

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